Chapter 4:Party It Up...

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i wake up and This time Aly wasn't there when i woke up i yawned and i got up and she smiled when i came and she smiled and i went to her and she gave me a hug"morning sunshine"she said and i smiled"morning"i said and yawned again"i'm gonna head to the shower"i said and she smiled"okay"she said and i grabbed my clothes and went and took a hot shower and i closed my eyes and felt the hot shower hit my  skin and it felt good and i felt relaxed...after i got dressed and dried my hair with a towel and went back to Aly"so whats new?"i asked"well there's a party later today...wanna be my date?"she asked"sure..."i said and she smiled"good i need this party...and yo do too"she said"wait we gonna drink?"i asked"yeah of course"she said"who's gonna drive us home?"i asked"a cab"she said and i looked at her and she smiled"it will be fun...promise"she said and she went in her closet to see what she's gonna wear and she laughed when she saw a certain dress"look Damon remember this dress?"she said and i smiled it was the dress she wore when we met the first time at PlaylistLIVE 2013 and i smiled"the first time we met"i said and she smiled"i'm gonna wear this for old times sake"she said and i smiled"i have an idea you wear that and i wear my cat shirt and black skinny jeans like the first time we will be majestic"i said and she smiled"sounds like a plan"she said and i smiled and i got my outfit and she put on hers and i came out with it on and she smiled and came up to me and i smiled"hi"i said and smiled and she smiled"hey"she said and she hugged me and she smiled"just like old times"she said and i smiled...she grabbed her cons and put them on with no socks and i put on my vans and i grabbed my camera"lets take a pic"i said and she smiled"okay"i said and she smiled and she nodded her head and i lifted the camera up and took a pic and we looked at it and we smiled it was a good one and i smiled and she smiled"another one"she said"okay"i said and i held up the camera and she moved my face towards her and she kissed me and my finger pressed the button when she kissed me and she looked me in my eyes and i tooked a pic of that too and she smiled"i want those"she said and i looked at them to see if they came out right and they did and she smiled"Daly"she said and i blushed"print them"i said and i went and did that for her and she put it up on the wall and i smiled"if only you and i were together for real"she said and i blushed..."well until then...were best friend right"she said and i nodded my head and she smiled and i blushed"ready to party tonight?"she said"not really...i'm a wee bit afraid"i said and she smiled"don't worry i'm gonna be by your side all the time"she said and i smiled"promise"i asked"i promise"she said and i smiled and she called the cab and we went to the party it was booming i felt a little claustrophobic because there was so many people in one house hold...Aly held my hand and we went to the bar and she grabbed a drink and it was fun and i went with her and she handed me a drink and she drank hers and i drank mine and i had chills so i kinda shooked it off and she smiled"are you a light lightweight?"she said"i don't know i usual have one beer if anything but hard liquor and wine coolers never really tried"i said and she smiled"well prepared to get drunk with me and then we gonna dance"she said and i smiled"okay"i said and she drank some more and The Ready Set's Give Me Your Hand song played and she smiled"this is my song"she said"dance with me Damon"she said and i smiled and followed her and we danced and then when it stopped we went back to the bar and drank more and she had a Mike's Hard Lemonade and i had the same and it was strong and sour and she smiled when she saw my face"come on Damon"she said and i drank some more and she pushed it up a bit and i was trying to chug it down but i couldn't it hurt to much so it got on my shirt a little and she laughed and stopped forcing it down my throat and i coughed and she smiled"sorry dude"she said and i looked at her and she drank hers and i did the same she did to me and she couldn't do it neither"there...we are even"i said and she smiled....few more bottles of those stuff and we were tipsy and i she got jack shot for us and she smiled"do this with me"she said"straight up jack!? are you crazy?"i said and she smiled"If Ke$ha can brush her teeth with this then we can do this"she said and i sighed"okay...but i'm feeling drunk already..."i said and she smiled"just this one shot of jack then we can lay off the drinking for a bit"she said and i grabbed the cup and she grabbed hers and we counted to 3..."1...2...3"we said then drank it down and i shooked it felt so warm and Aly smiled" lets dance"she said and we danced and  we went and danced head was spinning and i got really crazy i was screaming yeah pumping up the party something i'll never do id i was sober...i was jumping to the really loud songs and Aly followed me and it was great i was having a great time...then Aly looked at me and she kissed me and i kissed back and it turned into a make out...she wrapped her arms around my neck and she got close and i let her...the make out was intense...she stopped making out with me and she touched my face and smiled and i yes i..i brought her to the back and kissed her on a couch and we made out more there...she smiled and kissed my cheek and i looked at her"lets go home"i whispered to her and she smiled and she called the cab and we went home she laid on my shoulder and held my hand she was falling asleep....but i wanted her to stay up more"hey wake up"i said cutely and she smiled"we there yet?"she said and i smiled"soon but i want to show you something when we get home and you have to be awake"i said and she looked at me and i smiled"are you still drunk?"she said"yeah a little...but enough to do what i'm about to do"i said and blushed"and that is?"she said"you will see"he said and i smiled and she kissed my neck and when we got there i gave the cab his money and we went upstairs and she laid in bed and i smiled"Aly..."i said and she looked at me"what cutie?"she said"you have to stay up"i said cutely"ummm...what you want to show me?"she said and i smiled"my love"i said"your love...what do you mean?"she said and i blushed"do you like me in a sexual way?"i asked and blushed"yeah...but you won't follow threw"she said and smiled and i smiled"how come you think that?"i said"your sweet and want to keep it for the one"she said"what if i think that you could be the one?"i asked"i wouldn't believe you?"she said and i made out with her and i hovered above her and i smiled and i stopped and took off my shirt and i pulled up her dress...and kissed her belly and i smiled and got up to take off my skinny jeans and i made out with her some more and i grabbed the covers and i made out with her and i pulled off her panties and i pulled off mine and i made out with her"wait"she said"are you sure you want me to be your first Damon?"she asked and i looked at her and i nodded my head and i kissed her lips and got close and went in and she made out with me and we slowly had sex that night......

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