Chapter 3:Even Closer Then Before....

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i woke up and Aly was my teddy bear and i smiled...i like this...i like being with her and i think i'm falling for her even more then before...she woke up and looked up at me and smiled"morning"she said and i smiled"morning"she said and smiled and i smile"morning"i said and smiled she turned to face me and she smiled"how did you sleep"she asked"great"i said and she smiled"good.."she said and we got up and got ready for the day Aly made whole grain waffles for us and a glass of soy milk  and we smiled at each other because we had milk mustaches...she smiled"day one"she said"and i smiled"yeah..."i said"you can do whatever you want"she said"okay"i said and she smiled"so what do you want to do?"she said and i smiled"i want to spend time with you"i said and she smiled"okay....wanna go to the park or the skate park with me?"she said and i smiled"sure"i said and she smiled"okay cool...let me get ready"she said"okay"i said and she smiled and went to get ready and i did the same...i put on my green beanie and blue shirt and my girl skinny jeans that were black and my vans and i smiled when she hugged me fro behind"your came out of nowhere"i said and laughed and she smiled"you look always"she said and i smiled and blushed"thanks"i said and she let go and she was wearing jeans but no shirt on so her bra showed and i looked away she saw me looking away"relax you can look"she said and i blushed and grabbed my hand and went near my ear"you can also touch"she whispered in my ear and i blushed and she made me poke one and i covered my face"your so cute and innocent"she said and then backed up and put on a shirt"you can try to stop hormones doesn't mean it will always work"she said and i looked down"since your living with me...i'll show you my bad side too..the good bad side"she said and i smiled...she's so funny...."come cutie"she said and i smiled and walked with her and we went out side and she locked the door and we went to the park and we went on the swings and play a few childish games like tag,patty cake and hide n seek"i won again"i said and she smiled"well your in better shape then me"she said and i smiled and i rubbed her back"wanna sit for a bit?"i asked no lets lay in the grass"she said and i smiled"okay"i said and we went to a nice green grassy spot and laid in the grass i was laying upside down from her and our heads were next to each other and i smiled as we looked up"isn't the sky pretty"she said"yeah"i said and i looked at her and i smiled"your the best gal friend a guy can ask for"i said and she smiled"and your the best guy friend i can ask for"she said and i looked into her eyes and i kissed her lips it felt like the moment to do it...she smiled after"heat of the moment"she said"yeah"i said and he smiled"well thanks...i've always wanted to know how it feels to kiss your lips"she said and i smiled....after we went back home to eat lunch and we made lunch...she felt like eating meat this time a sandwich with bologna and cheese and mayo...while i had a chick'n patty sandwich...that's fake chicken if you didn't know...i went on the computer and so did she and we sat at the kitchen table on our lap tops and did what we always do twitter,tumblr,facebook and youtube...she goes on the fan fic website called Qoutev and i go on the fizzy family website...she writes fan fictions about people she likes...and i'm one of them and i smile because i know what goes on in those fan fic's....she got bored so she laid in bed for a bit...listening to music and i looked at her laptop which is on still and she didn't logged off of Qoutev and i looked and clicked the Fan-fiction section about me there was 37 stories in all about me i picked the one that was called A Moment Of Weakness...i red it (What Damon Red) i smiled it's not as sexual as i least not this one..."Damon"she said heading this way and i clicked x and went to my seat again and she came up and smiled"hey umm want to do something..."she said"yeah...sure..what?"i said"want to go to my cousin's house with me?"she said"yeah"i said and she smiled"okay i'll go ask her if she is free and if not we can chill at Cross County"she said"okay"i said and and called her and went to her room to talk and i went back to the computer and see if i can go back on Qoutev and i went on and logged her in she saved her password and email on auto and i looked at another fan fiction called I Just Can't Get My Hands Off You and the title says it all this got's to be sexual and i checked if she is coming and see wasn't so i red (what Damon Red) and i read all the way until chapter 6 because it wasn't made yet...i stopped and went to her profile and i saw the other guys she wrote about like Ross Lynch,Jordan Sweeto,Kellin Quinn,that guy from The Ready Set and Christofer Drew...i checked out the Christofer Drew fan-fics there was only 2 and then i went to Kellin Quinn had 8...i saw the story called Rock N Roll Tease it was a Kellin Quinn story but i red it(Rock N Roll Tease)this was more detailed then my stuff..."hey Damon"she said and i clicked her profile and went to the fridge playing like i was getting something to drink and she smiled"whats up"i said grabbing a Peace Tea and she smiled"well not this week but next week she will be free and my mom and brother will be there and they want to meet yeah'she said and i smiled"cool"i said"so off to Cross County then"she said"okay"i said and opened the can and she smiled"okay i'll call the cab"she said and went in her room and called the cab and i drank some of the Peace Tea and i smiled...5 mins later the cab came and we went to Cross County we went to Spencer's Aly's Job and i applied to help out Aly was surprised but okay with it...i hope i get it....we went to Claire's and she bought this  wrist band that had two bands and one said best and the other said friend she got it and gave me best and she had friend and i was  cute.....she jumped on my back and i gave her a piggy back ride and she kissed my neck and i blushed and we went to Panara bread to eat...i had a veggie sandwich and she had a big kid grill cheese they called it it had bacon and cheese in it and since Aly isn't vegan like me she eats things like that and it's her choice i'm not gonna make her eat the same thing as me...she had her Diet Pepsi and i had normal ice tea because they don't sell Peace Tea in places like this and she hugged my arm and closed her eyes"i love you Damon"she said and i smiled"i know"i said and she smiled and she continued eating and after we went to see a was a scary movie and it was great after we went home and she got out of her clothes in front of me and changed into Pj's and i tooked off my shirt and she looked and i smiled and blushed and then i got out of  my skinny jeans and i put on pj pants in front of her and she smiled after"what?"i said and she smiled"nothing...just thought you were to insecure to change in front of me"she said"'s different if it don't judge me"i said and she smiled"that's right"she said and i smiled and i was about to put a shirt on but she stopped me"leave the shirt off"she said and i looked at her and blushed"why?"i said and she smiled"just because"she said and i put it down and she laid down and i held her tight and she smiled"i love that your here Damon"she said and i smiled"its good to be here for you"i said and kissed her cheek and i closed my eyes and we fell asleep.......

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