Chapter 5:My Mind Is a Total Blank But I Just Can't Forget About You...

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last night i gave her my virginity and i'm still blushing since last night...but i felt sick from the liquor i drank and i got up and threw up and then Aly came up to me"sorry i got you drunk?"she said...after i finished i whipped my face"you didn't force me to drink...i did it on my own"i said and flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth...i took something for my headache and she smiled"so some party"she said and i looked at her"i wouldn't know most of the night i forgot....besides the last hours...when i was with you"i said and blushed"do you regret it?"she said"no...not at all..."i said and she smiled and blushed"wait how did we get home?"i said confused"i think we took a cab "she said and nodded my head and i looked at her"so...what now?"i said and she looked at me"wanna be my boyfriend?"she said and blushed"okay"i said and got close and i kissed her and i smiled..."your beautiful"i said and she nodded her head"and your adorable"she said and i smiled and blushed...she makes me smile...she blushed and rubbed her arms"but even if we are together we can still be best friends"i said and she smiled"right...totally"she said and i smiled and i looked at her and i held her hand and she smiled and i brought her near and she blushed and looked up at me and i hugged her tight"it's okay don't be nervous...i promise i won't hurt you"i said and she hugged me tight"it's not that i'm scared to give my heart to you because i've been wanting to give you it forever...i'm just don't want to screw this up"she said and i smiled and i put my forehead on hers and she looked into my eyes"you will do fine"i said and smiled and then i backed up and i covered my lips and smiled..i was very shy..."lets make a promise...unless it's really bad we don't fight...and if we do anyway and it's a little thing...we talk about it and listen to each others feelings about it"i said"promise"she said and pinkey promise and i smiled"good now we don't have to worry because we made a promise"i said and she nodded her head"okay"she said and i smiled and she kissed my cheek and i blushed...we went for a walk and held hands...we looked around and was fun...Cyr Joined us my best buddy and we went and hang...i road my penny board and i tried to teach Aly...she fell and i laughed at her and she pouted when i did and i felt guilty and i bend over to kiss her to make her feel better and she pulled me down and then she laughed at me and i wrestled with her and it was fun she tickled me and she pinned me down on the ground and sat on me and i blushed and smiled"remember i have a little brother so i'll win all the time"she said and i stuck my tongue out and Cyr was ahead of us on his penny board not noticing i'm pinned down on the ground and i smiled"i can get use to this"i played around and she laughed and kissed my lips and then made out with me and she let her guard down and i took advantage of it to get her off and i pinned her down and she looked at me"harder Damon...i've been a naughty girl...i like it when your rough"she said in a very sexual way and i blushed and it ended up she let my guard down and got up and she laughed and stuck her tongue out and i looked at her"meanie"i said"you started it"she said and i smiled'but i wasn't being sexual"i said and she smiled"i was kidding...."she said and i smiled and got up and grabbed my penny board and road it and she couldn't catch up"That's what you get!!!"i said and i fell and she ran to me worried and i looked at her'are you hurt?"she seemed so concerned like i was in this terrible accident"she said and she saw my hand bleeding and she kissed it and i blushed"i'm fine"i said and she hugged me and i smiled and she helped me up and she looked in her purse and she tooked out a band aid"i take them with me sometimes for when i take my insulin"she said"but i can spare one for you"she said and i smiled as she put a band aid on me"aww your so sweet"i said in a goofy way and she smiled and laughed"hey you guys are so slow?"Cyr came back for us"sorry we were playing around and well Damon fell and hurt himself "she said and Cyr looked at me"you okay man"he said and pat my back and i nodded my head and grabbed my penny board and  we all decided to walk for a bit and i held Aly with my hurt hand and she looked at it and kissed it and smiled and i smiled and i kissed her cheek when Cyr wasn't looking...we went to a vegan restaurant and ate vegan wraps and it was the first one Aly had...i smiled"it's so good"she said and she blushed when she saw me staring at her"what? eating sloppy?"she said and i shook my head"no...i'm just...being a weirdo"i said but what i wanted to say was i'm so in love with her...but Cyr is next to us and idk i don't want him to feel like third wheel..."Cyr wanting to make another Dyr video?"i said"sure anytime"he said and i smiled"i love Dyr...i love your videos and your friendship"she said and i smiled"all though i would be lying if i said i didn't want you guys to kiss"she said"what?"i said surprised"just one kiss that's"she said"no....that's never happening"i said"yeah"Cyr said"one day...i'll get you guys to kiss"she said and i shooked my head"there is no way"i said and she smiled....after we ate we went to our place with Cyr and we sat down and watched movies when it got late Cyr went home and there was me and Aly we finished up the movie and then she looked at me and kissed me and i kissed back and she made out with me and i did it back and i smiled"been wanting to do that all day"she said and i blushed and she grabbed my purple hoodie and pulled me close and kissed me so more and i smiled"do you really like  when i'm rough?"i said thinking of what happened earlier and she smiled" bout you dare to find out"she said and kissed me and i smiled"i think i'll take my chances on the respectful way gently"i said and she smiled"good because i like your innocent side more"she said and i looked at her"innocent...huh?"i said cleverly and i blushed"be careful with me"i said hiding my smile and blushing"i'll break if you break my heart"i said and she smiled"so innocent OMG!"she said and blushed and she got up and i blushed and smiled"umm...will you show me to your room..."i blushed while saying it shyly and she grabbed my hand and brought me to her room and i went on her bed and laid on it and she bit her lip and jumped on it and she sat on me and pinned me down"so were back to this"i said and stuck my tongue out"this time no interruptions"she said and i blushed"we gonna do it...again....isn't this a bad thing?"i said and she smiled"not if you love me and i love you "she said and i blushed and i looked at her...omg i'm so awkward...when i was drunk it came naturally...but we are sober and i don't want her to be turned off by me...she kissed my lips and then my neck and i blushed and she let one of my hands free and she rubbed over my skinny jeans and i looked at her i liked it and she kissed me and then when she stopped because i was turned on she rubbed herself on me and i bit my felt really good...and i covered my face when her hands were pulling off my hoodie and i smiled and she looked at me and kissed my innocent lips and she put her fingers threw my hair and she took off her shirt and  she pushed me down again and looked at her she rubbed herself harder on it and i covered my face i was gonna moan a little because it felt really good and then i made out with her aggressively and it made it feel so much better...i took off my shirt and she kissed me and she unbutton my skinny jeans and she pushed me and i took my skinny jeans off as she grabbed protection and i blushed"this is the first time we used that"i said and she nodded her head and she got close and she pulled off her underwear and kissed her neck...this might as well be my first time because i had no clue what i was doing i was winging it but in the processes i'm shaking and my breath was unsteady and i was really nervous and i laid down as she took off my underwear and kissed my lips and she put the protection on me and i looked up at her and she put me in and she made out with me as we made love again....after i blushed as she held me from behind and i kissed her neck and  when she looked at me i crunch up my nose a little and she smiled and did the same and we laughed a little and i kissed her lips and she turned around and kissed me again and she kissed my nose and i smiled"i'm so happy with you"i said and she smiled"i'm so happy with you too"she said and i smiled and i looked at her in the eyes"i love youskies"i said and she smiled"i love you tooskies"she said back......she's so cute.....

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