#1. Milo x Emma (Memma)

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Title: First Kiss


Warning(s): Language


Sinister 2

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It had been almost a year now since Milo had officially become one of Bughuul's children. He got along quite well with the others, despite the age difference between him and most of the children. The only one he still needed to talk to more was Emma, the only kid that was around his age.
Based on what he heard from the others, Emma kept to herself most of the time and she would apparently get annoyed easily by Ted. Then again, Ted liked to annoy people. Especially Emma and now him. Peter also liked to annoy him. Not Emma. Just him. He didn't know why exactly. Peter was a complete puzzle, anyway.

Milo sat down in the basement of what use to be his house. Occasionally, police would come. But now they seemed to have given up on finding, well, him.
He tapped the pads of his fingers on the cold, hard floor. He was waiting for Ted to get Emma. He didn't know why, but he really wanted to get to know her more. She...intrigued him.

Suddenly, the girl appeared right behind him. "You wanted to see me?" She spoke.

Milo tilted his head up to look at her. "Yeah." He answered, lowering his gaze as she sat down beside him.

"Well? What's up?" She rose a brow at him, smiling slightly.

Crap, he thought, how do I start this?

"Um...nothing. I just wanted to get to know you more. That's all." He rubbed the back of his neck, awkwardly.

"What do you want to know?" She asked, hugging her legs to her chest.

"Ahhh...hobbies, past, whatever..."

"All right, uh, I liked to write. Um...I was that one tough girl in school that you would never want to mess with." She chuckled slightly. "What about you?"

"I was the annoying brother...the one freshman that never had his first kiss..." Milo shrugged slightly. He didn't know what to say about himself.

"You never had your first kiss?" Emma rose her eyebrows at him in disbelief.

"Nope. These lips are still a virgin." He chuckled slightly.

"So you never had a girlfriend, I take it?"

"Nope. I've had nothing that was romantic-wise."

Emma smirked slightly. "Well...how about I take your...'lip virginity'?"

Milo laughed a bit as she used his lame joke. If he could still blush, this would be the perfect moment for him to get some color in his cheeks. "Uh...I mean...I guess it couldn't hurt."

Emma shuffled closer to him. "Just relax and close your eyes." She whispered.

Milo nodded and did as he was told. Soon, he felt her soft cold lips against his own. He moved his lips with hers. It felt...weird at first. But after a few seconds, it felt quite nice.
Eventually, the two pulled back from the kiss. "That was...different. But nice." Milo admitted softly.

Emma smiled. "Now I have officially stolen your lip virginity. But don't expect me to take, uh, your other virginity."

Milo chuckled at that. "I'm not a pig, you know."

"Not so sure about that." Emma smirked.

"Oh, fuck you!" Milo grinned slightly.

"You wish."

Milo rolled his eyes and smiled to himself, a lingering silence taking place for a moment. "Um...Emma? Could we...do it again?" He looked at her

Emma shrugged. "Why the hell not?"

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