#3. Milo x Zach (Zalo)

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Title: I Hate You


Based off of the song I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace.


Warning: Hot make out session


Sinister 2

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Milo was still pissed off that he was forced to choose Zach over Dylan. He couldn't convince Dylan to come back now, though. Zach had finished watching all of the films. It was time for Milo to get use to the other Collins boy. But how could he? The guy was a dick. He was just like his and Dylan's father! Sure, Zach did things that Milo really liked, but still. He hated the guy.

It was midnight still in Illinois and Zach was still in the basement, chatting up with Ted and Peter. Milo just isolated himself in the corner, kicking at tiny pieces of the hard floor. God, did he hate Zach. But he could never watch him suffer now. Instead, he had to watch Dylan suffer. The Collin he actually liked.

Just perfect...

Milo sighed, looking down as Emma suddenly approached him. "You should talk to him." She said.

"Why should I? He's a dick..." Milo muttered under his breath.

Emma rolled her eyes. "Would you just try to get along with him? I'm sick of having to restrain you every time someone annoys you." She huffed, folding her arms across his chest.
Emma really did have to restrain him when he'd try and attack the others. Ted, Peter, and Catherine loved messing with him and getting on his nerves. Mainly Ted and Peter. Emma was the only kid who didn't annoy him.

"Well maybe if we still went along with Dylan, you wouldn't have to worry about that." Milo frowned slightly.

"Oh my Bughuul, would you just shut up and try to get along with him?" She sighed, becoming annoyed with Milo.

Milo glared at Zach and huffed. "Fine."

"Good." Emma smiled and motioned the others over. Soon, all the kids (except for Milo and Zach) faded away.

Milo sighed. "Goddamn it..." He muttered. "Just had to leave me alone with him." He slowly walked up to Zach, putting on a forced smile. "H-ey, Zach..." He greeted, his voice cracking slightly when he said "hey".

Zach smirked.

Hate that stupid fucking smirk so damn much... Milo ranted in his head.

"Hey. Glad to see you finally chose me instead." He said, his smirk turning into a grin.

"Uh-huh..." Milo sighed. He couldn't do this. "Look, Zach, let's clear some things up, shall we?" He gave a fake smile. "One, I hate you. I will never like you. Ever. You can try to impress me, but you won't. Two, the others forced me to switch to you. I would have totally stuck with Dylan if they didn't make me go over to you instead. And three, we will not be best friends. Even after you kill your whole family, I will never talk to you. I will never look at you. I won't do shit with you. Got it? Good."

Zach blinked. He sure didn't expect a full-on speech from Milo. He smirked, suddenly. "Couldn't you have just ignore the others?"

Milo huffed. "No. I couldn't. Bu--...He wanted me to switch to you, too. I can't disobey Him."

"I don't think He would have cared who the child was." Zach grinned.

Milo rolled his eyes. "Just shut up."

"Come on, Milo. What have I ever done wrong?"

Milo stared at him. Was he being for real right now? "Um...Let's see...you've beaten up Dylan, you've made him cry, and you were basically just being a stubborn asshole that's full of themself."

"That was to prove to you that I have more balls than Dylan." Zach stated.

"Yeah, yeah...whatever..."

"Milo, how can I get you to like me at least a little bit?" Zach huffed.

"I told you; you can't." Milo spoke, starting to get annoyed now. Why couldn't he just take the hint and leave? "Why do you wanna be one of us so badly, anyway?"

Zach shrugged. "I hate my family. You guys are pretty cool. And I might think you're kinda hot."

Milo's eyes widened. "What?"

Zach smirked a bit. "Why do you think I hated Dylan so much? You kept spending time with him and never even took the time to notice me." He spoke, getting closer and closer to Milo with each word.

Milo swallowed thickly. Why was this behavior of Zach's so hot to him? "Uh...Zach...Um..."

"Speechless now, huh?" He grinned.

"If you're messing with me, I swear to Bughuul, I will kill you."

"I'm not. I wouldn't have acted that way if I didn't like you so much..." He whispered, his lips brushing up against Milo's cold ear.

Milo really wanted to kiss him now. But why? He hated Zach. He wanted to murder Zach himself sometimes. Shouldn't he be absolutely disgusted by this?
"Screw it." He muttered out loud and grabbed Zach by the shoulders, planting a rather harsh kiss onto his warm and pink lips.

Zach smirked slightly and returned the kiss, his hands gripping onto Milo's vest.
Milo couldn't control himself at all. It was like his hate and desire for Zach were combining into one feeling. He shoved his cold tongue into Zach's pleasantly warm mouth and swirled it around, tasting the boy. Zach returned the action by wrapping his tongue around Milo's, gently massaging the organ with his own.

The two boys continued this for a while until Zach felt the need to breathe.
They pulled back, Zach panting for a moment. He grinned. "Thought you hated me?"

Milo rolled his eyes, stepping back. "Shut up. And if you tell anyone about this, he--"

"He'll kill me first and my whole family." Zach finished for him.

"Exactly." Milo smirked slightly before turning around. "See you tomorrow."

Milo then began to walk away and soon faded away into the darkness.

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