#5. Cameron x Stephanie (Stameron)

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AN: Just so you all know, Cameron is the BBQ Boy in Sinister 1 and they don't actually give him a name. I just gave him the name of his actor.


Title: Keep Smiling


Heavily based off of Final Fantasy XIII.


Sinister 1

~ ~ ~

Cameron sat on the clean-cut grass, staring at the tree that Stephanie had used to kill her family. He sighed loudly.
A new family had moved into Stephanie's previous home, which meant a new kid for Bughuul. But Cameron was beginning to grow tired of the same old shenanigans. It was always previous kid meet the new one, show them the films, they kill their family, and they become one of them. And because Cameron was one of the oldest ones, he was definitely getting burnt out by this.

"Something on your mind?" Came a sudden sweet voice.

"Huh?" Cameron turned his head to see Stephanie approaching him. "Oh, uh, just thinking..."

She sat down next to him, smiling sweetly. "Thinking about what?"

"What my life would have been like if I never became His child or whatever you wanna call it..." He responded softly.

"Aren't you happy with Mr. Boogie?" She tilted her head.

Mr. Boogie (or Bughuul) had always been a great "father" to them all. You just didn't want to get him mad. When he was mad, it was, well, terrifying. But nevertheless, they all loved the demon.
"Of course! It's just...I don't know. I guess it's just getting kinda old for me. I mean, I've been dealing with all of this for over thirty years now." He explained.

"Well then why don't we both make the best of it?" She smiled cheerfully.

"How?" Cameron tilted his head, curiously.

"We just have fun as much as we can. Put a slight twist on things, too. Different stuff always keeps things entertaining!" She giggled softly and smiled again.

"Heh...I guess so." He smiled back at her and stood up, stretching his arms up and over his head.

Stephanie stood up as well, holding her hands together. "To tell you the truth, I find you to be the most entertaining here."

That sort of surprised him. Partially yes because he didn't do much and partially no because he always messed around with Chris, the only teenager in the group. "Really? Why?"

She shrugged slightly. "You just are. Especially when you annoy Chris on purpose." She giggled a bit.

Cameron couldn't help, but grin slightly. "It is always fun to annoy him." He smirked.

"Of course! After all, he is the oldest out of us all. Well ghost-wise, that is." She spoke, remembering that technically Cameron, Ethan, and Danielle were all older than him.
The dirty blonde turned her head to glance at the new family through the glass of the doors. She looked at Cameron. "We ought to go see who our next kid will be."

"Yeah..." He agreed as she began to turn around. He quickly grabbed her wrist. "Wait! Uh...can you do me a favor?"

She turned to look at him fully and nodded. "Sure." She smiled.

"Keep smiling...I..." He paused for a moment. "It makes me happy when you smile."

Stephanie gasped softly. "I...I didn't know you felt that way!" She squeaked, hiding her red face in her hands.
All of the sudden, Cameron broke into a fit of laughter.
"Huh?" She uncovered her face, raising a brow. "Wait...you were only joking?"

"I may have!" He grinned and began to run off.

Stephanie growled. "Hey! You get back here!" She smirked, running after him.

The two chased each other as giggles and shouts of "get back here" filled the gloomy atmosphere.

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