#2. Milo x Dylan (Mylan)

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Title: I'll Protect You


Based off of a scene and song in Final Fantasy XIII.
Song: Serah's theme


Major fluff and angst

~ ~ ~

Dylan sat outside the house, his skin bruised. He hugged his legs to his chest. He felt like crying. He wanted to cry so bad. But the tears just wouldn't come out.
Yet again, his twin brother, Zach, had beaten him up. For what exactly? For jealousy. He was jealous that Milo had chosen Dylan over him. But it wasn't Dylan's fault. It was no one's fault. Milo just wanted him for some reason.

"Dylan!" Called a familiar voice.

Make my wish come true
Let darkness fade to light
Show me there's still hope
Show me it's not over...

Dylan stood up, turning to face the voice. It was Milo. The ghostly boy jogged up to him and took his face into his hands. "What happened?" He asked, his pale eyes full of concern. Dylan had never seen Milo so concerned before.

"Zach..." Was all he said, sniffling slightly as the tears finally left his eyes. He looked down, trying to hide them.

Battles we can win, our struggle lies within
Will we live to greet the dawn?

"That piece of shit!" Muttered Milo. He sighed and held Dylan close against his chest. "Look, I'll protect you, okay?"

"No, Milo..." Dylan shook his head, sighing as he pulled away from the dead boy. "No one can protect me...My mom couldn't..."

"I'm not your mom. I'm different." He spoke, grabbing Dylan by the shoulders. "And I've told you before, you can stay with us if you'd just watch the films an--"

"And kill my whole family." Dylan finished for him. "I can't, Milo. I'm too weak! You should just pick Zach while you still have the chance." He spoke, his voice shaky from holding back a huge sob, as he turned away from Milo.

"You can do it! I know you can! And I'm never choosing Zach! He's an asshole. And I...I love you."

"What?" Dylan blinked, turning to look at Milo again. Did he really just say that?"

"I love you. Dylan, I always have. They've been trying to convince me to switch to Zach, but I can't. I can't because I love you and I can't see you die from that asshole." He spoke. He walked over to the brunette and took his hands into his own. "Dylan, I promise that I will protect you. No one will ever hurt you again. Especially your dad and Zach. I'll make things right."

Love will not leave you
Hate will not heal you
Promise me one day that we shall reign...

Dylan looked down for a moment. "Promise?" He whispered.

"I swear it." He spoke, confidently. "We'll get through this together."

Dylan looked up at Milo and smiled. Boy, did that make Milo happy. "Okay." He then hugged the ghost tightly by the waist.

Milo smiled himself now, hugging him back. "I love you, Dylan."

Dylan closed his eyes and whispered out back to him, "I love you, too, Milo."

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