#6. Emma x Zach (Zemma)

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Title: Worthy Enough


Instead of Milo telling Zach he's not good enough, Emma tells him.


Sinister 2

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Emma stood alone in the basement of Milo's old home. She could hear and feel Zach's presence from behind her. He sure as hell wasn't that good at sneaking around.

"What do you want?" She spoke, cooly.

Zach folded his arms across his chest. "Why'd you have to pick him?"

"Tch..." Emma turned to look at him. To be honest, Zach was going to be the kid, originally. But Milo had convinced Bughuul somehow to switch to Dylan. She preferred Dylan, anyway. Zach was an asshole. "Because you're a hopeless brat." She spat.

"So? I'm still better than Dylan." He spoke, giving that attitude expression. Ugh, her little brother use to make the same annoying and bratty expression.

"Oh yeah? Well if that's true, then how come Hi--...Milo didn't choose you?" She questioned.

"'Cause he's an idiot. He just wants to get in Dylan's pants." Zach responded, annoyed.

Emma actually wouldn't have been surprised if that were the truth. Milo had a weird obsession with Dylan.
But nevertheless, she had to defend for Milo. Milo was her friend. Her best friend, actually.
She approached him and grabbed his wrist firmly, her facial features instantly changing, her skin going from smooth to cracked and chapped. "You wanna say that again?"

Zach's eyes widened slightly. Zach may have acted like a badass, but he was secretly a big pussy. "I...uh..."

"Heh..." She shoved him back, releasing him from her grip. "That's what I thought." She said, her features returning back to normal. She sighed softly and turned away from him again. "You wanna be one of us? Prove that you're worthy enough."


"Figure that out yourself. But one thing I will tell you is to not mess with Dylan. Then we'll just hate you even more and wait for your death to come faster."

Zach rolled his eyes. "I think only Milo will feel that way."

"Oh? And why is that?" Emma questioned, raising a brow at Zach.

Zach shrugged. "To be honest, he seems to be totally gay for my brother. Maybe he finally got in Dylan's pants right now."

Emma rubbed her lips together. She wanted to defend Milo again, but honestly? Emma had to agree with Zach for once. She let out a breathless laugh. "Heh, I guess I have to agree with you there." She said. "You wanna know something?"

"What?" Zach blinked, surprised that Emma didn't try to murder him.

"We were originally going to choose you, but Milo convinced...us to do otherwise. But don't tell anyone I told you that. Especially Milo."

Zach was only more surprised. "Really? So do, uh, do you guys want me instead?"

She shrugged. "I don't know about the others."

"What about you?"

Emma froze. Did she really want Zach instead? She said she preferred Dylan. Or at least she thought she did. Maybe Zach wasn't entirely bad. Maybe she did prefer him over Dylan. "I...I don't know..." She answered, truthfully.

Zach stepped closer to her. "You don't know?"

Emma turned her back towards Zach, shaking her head. "No...I don't..."

"Well..." He grabbed a hold of her cold hand. "I like you the most out of all of you guys..."

Emma's eyes widened slightly as she turned to look at Zach, their hands still held together. "What?"

Zach smiled. "I like you. I mean, how could I not? You're awesome. You're such a badass and you're so beautiful."


Before Emma could muster any words, Zach's pink lips were on her pale ones. Emma froze once again. Should she kiss back? She never kissed someone before. Not on the lips, that is.

Ah, fuck it...

Emma slipped her hand out from Zach's and wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his lively lips back. Zach was (shockingly) a good kisser.

Maybe he kissed girls on the playground when he was six, Emma joked in her head.

She pulled back after a moment, staring down at Zach. Zach just grinned at her. "Am I worthy enough now?"

Emma shoved him, but in a playful manner this time. She smirked as he nearly fell. "Worthy enough for me? Yes. Worthy enough to be one of us? No. Not yet."

"Prefer me over Dylan?"

"Hmm...maybe." She nudged him a bit. "I need to go. But don't tell anyone of this, okay? 'Cause I swear, if you do--"

"Chill, chill!" Zach rose his hands up to her. "I won't. Can I get another kiss, though?" He smirked.

"Tch, sorry, lover boy. Gonna have to wait until tomorrow night." She poked her nose.

Zach poured. "Aww, c'mon!" He groaned as she began to walk away.

"See you around!" She chuckled as she began to fade away.

What a night.


Emma the cockblocker. XD
Anyway, got a surprise one-shot for you guys next. ;) Trust me, you'll love it. Although, it's sort of sad.

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