Finding Dory

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Okay so I went to go see Finding Dory with my friend and so Sigournry Weaver was a cameo in the movie. Whenever her voice would come on I would lose it because I thought of how much she look like Brian May. I got so many dirty looks though. Then at the end of the movie someone came up to me and asked me why I was laughing at Sigourney and so I told them...

Because she looked a lot like Brian May when she was younger.

The person looked at me like I was fucking crazy, then said

Who is Brian May???

So I turned on my phone and showed him this picture

So I turned on my phone and showed him this picture

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(That's my background)

Then I was like this is the beautiful Brian May. Then the person lost it and told me,

Yeah he does look like Sigourney when she was younger.

When me and my friend got in the car we both died laughing.

-Sorry I just had to tell that story.

P.S Dory really does say that quote in the movie (Picture at the top)

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