I'm not Dead+ A story

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Okay hi guys I'm sorry I haven't been updating this as often as I have been. I have been very busy, from packing for Vacation to getting ready for school. So now you all know I'm not dead.

And now the story....

Okay so I saw Brian on Tuesday and I have quite the story for you guys. First off he does indeed like me and I plan on asking him out soon. Next I was in stage and he was just sitting on the couch fiddling with his guitar and I flicked him off and he flicked me off, so we were coming up with creative ways to flick each other off. We both ended up dying in laughter after the session of flicking each other off.

Then he said "fuck you" to me as a joke and I said "fuck you too" back to him and after the song I went to go sat by him and I said to him "When you said fuck you I was gonna say you know you wanna" he was laughing and blushing so hard at that comment. Then he let me rest in his shoulder.

Final part if this story...
Okay so I asked him to hold my phone and he wouldn't so I put it in his hood and he just kept it there for a few minutes then took it out only to go on my wattpad which was open cause I was reading a story (It was a smutty story). So when I sat back by him he was like I'm scarred for life and I was like why and he was like cause I just read about Freddie and Brian getting it on. I was laughing so hard. Then he told me that he went surprised I read that type of stuff.

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