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Hey guys!
So I'm not dead, I've just been super busy with school and after school activities (yes I have a social life). But anyways I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but I do have quite a few stories about Brian (remember him?)

Okay so we had our rock concert (remember when I told you I was in a band?) So anyways we were talking about how Freddie was gay and whatnot so he said this that caught me off guard and kinda triggered me.

Freddie sucked everyone's dick, including Brian May's.

I was like fangirling/really surprised and yeah....

We are in different show seasons now cause the Summerfest show season is done, but don't be sad cause I'll have many stories about the next show season, which by the way is Queen!!! That's fucking right people we are doing Queen (and a lot of other great bands but Queen is the best.)

But anyways that's what I have for you guys right now. Again, sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'll try to make updated more often!! Also thanks for the 11.4k reads!!!

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