Omg guys part 2

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Okay so we are gonna give this guy I like a nickname so we know what I'm talking about. So let's call him Brian.

So there is this girl in my band and she is like 8 or 9 and she decided that I was her dog. So she would take my arm and drag me across the room and then she would go back on stage and then say

Come here girl

She did this like 5 times and in the 5th she did it I was like I dont wanna walk anymore. Then Brian was all like leave her alone she isn't a dog. So the little girl left me alone and I went to go sit by him.

There is one more story so be patient.

Okay so Brian and I were sitting next to each other and this guy on stage starts playing Another One Bites the Dust and Brian was like I did it better and the guy on stage said let her choose (me choose). So I was like Brian did a better job and he was like I knew it and he started blushing.

What do you guys think? Has he met our standards??

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