First Week of School

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Okay so I survived my first week of school. So let me tell you how  that went. So my music teacher is super awesome and he has Beatles pictures in is room and his favorite bands are like Queen and Led Zeppelin. So in music we had to take a test and for one part it was identify what's Forte and Piano and he played Led Zeppelin for that part. I was silently fangirling.

Now onto social studies. So my teacher was walking around the classroom listening to our answers to the questions, what history was. And I have Queen pictures all over my binder a she saw and was like, "Oh my god I love Queen, I heard them this morning and was like today is gonna be a good day." So I was fangirling at that little comment.

So then my Science teacher also commented on my binder and said," It's such a shame we lost Freddie, he was a good person." I was like ,"Omg so true."

Then my L.A. teacher already knows me and that I like Queen so we were doing this around the room activity and she played Queen during this activity and it made it extremely hard to focus cause I was hearing, MY BAES!!

So now let me tell you bout my math teacher. I asked her if she liked Queen and she said ,"I've been know to like a few songs." I mean that answer right there made me so happy!!

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