Chapter 1

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"My beautiful Clarabelle," mother cooed while she brushed my long, golden locks.

"I can't believe you're already six years old. You're practically a lady," she teased.

"Mother, can you tell me about my prince again," I eagerly asked.

"Oh, all right," she laughed, setting the brush down on my vanity, and sitting down beside me. Her soft blue eyes gazed into mine, as she took my hand.

"One day, when you turn 16, you will get to meet Prince Pier, and you will fall in love at first sight. Then, he will court you for two years, and you'll be married shortly after your eighteenth birthday. Your marriage will bring together our great kingdom with Pier's. And you two will live in a beautiful castle, and live happily ever after," she told me, for what must have been the millionth time.

"What does Pier look like," I questioned.

"He has curly brown hair, and sharp, green eyes. He's only a year older than you, but I can tell he will be very handsome when he grows older," she replied, smiling warmly at me.

"What if he doesn't like me," I asked, worried.

"Oh darling, don't be silly. Of course he'll like you- he won't only like you, but he'll fall in love with you. You two are destined to be together," she assures me.

"How do you know you're in love," I thoughtfully asked.

"It's just a feeling you get- it starts in your heart, and it flows throughout your body, and you just know."

I smiled, satisfied with the answers, and curled up under my covers. Mother lightly kissed my forehead, and silently left the room.

As I tried to fall asleep, I thought about love. It was talked about so much, but I was not quite sure what it meant.


That was 10 years ago, on my 6th birthday.

As the sun shines in through my window, I wake up with only one thought on my mind: Today I meet my prince, my soulmate, my love.

He will be my soulmate, right? What if my parents, in their infinite wisdom, made a mistake? What if he doesn't like me, or thinks me ugly?

I glance at myself in the mirror, and can't help but admire my lightly curled golden locks, my soft blue eyes that almost mirror those of my mothers, and my clear complexion. But then I silently scold myself for being so vain.

Mother will be here soon to help me prepare for the meeting, along with a few maids.

I cross my room to the closet, and open it carefully. I instantly spot the dress I have had made for this special meeting.

I tentatively remove the royal blue dress out of the closet. It's beautiful, and the color is sure to complement my eyes.

The hem is sewn with white lace, and the corset has intricate white designs. The fabric is imported from a land far away- I think it's called India, but I'm not quite sure. My seamstress has been working tirelessly on this masterpiece for nearly a year, just finishing yesterday. She understands how imperative this meeting is.

In my haze, I fail to notice Mother's entrance into my bed chambers.

"Clarabelle," she chimes, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Mother," I reply, startled. I give her a curtsy, and smile up at her.

"Sixteen already- it seems like just yesterday the midwife handed you to me for the first time," she sighs with sad eyes.

"Mo-ther," I groan.

"Alright, alright. Let's get to work. You must look perfect when the Prince sees you. First impressions are very important," Mother announces, and with that, everyone in the room starts to prepare me for what will be one of the most important days of my life.

A/N What do you think? Do you like or no? Thanks for reading!

Picture of the dress on the side

Goodnight my lovelies

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