Chapter 3

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1 1/2 Years Later

"Good mornin', miss," the maid greets me. I believe her name is Maria. Or is it Mary?

"Good morning to you Maria," I reply, hoping that I got her name right.

She glances at my attire. I'm wearing a royal blue dress with golden buttons, and a matching blue hat. But her gaze is fixed on my black, lace up boots.

"Going to the stables I assume," she inquires.

"You'd assume correct. I'd like to get a ride in before Pier arrives," I say, a weak smile on my face.

Things with Pier have been- alright, I guess. We have pleasant conversations sometimes, but very little in common. Aside from the fact that we are both royalty.

Just the other day, we had a spat about his hunting. I couldn't see how he would enjoy going and shooting poor creatures who have no ways to defend themselves. He just laughed, and said something along the lines of, "Of course you can't dear. Women don't understand such things." I changed the subject, although I still am offended by his statement.

Another day, we argued about me spending all my spare time in the stables. He said that he couldn't understand my obsession with simpleminded beasts like horses. I smiled and told him 'Of course you don't. Men don't understand such things.' He was angered by this, and stormed off, although I was quite pleased with myself.

Now I walk out to the stables, stepping quickly down the grand staircase.

"Morning Princess," the butler greets me.

"Good morning to you. Is your daughter feeling better," I ask. His daughter, I believe her name is Patricia, has been very ill lately, and I know he's been worried sick.

"Much better. Thank you for asking," he replies.

I hurry out the door, and make my way to the stables. The moment I enter, I'm greeted by the sounds of horses. Pawing the ground, munching their food, snorting and whinnying. The sounds of what I think are gods greatest creations.

I walk over to where I know Echo is, and admire his regal appearance. He happily whinnies when he spots me, and nuzzles my shoulder.

"Hello Boy, did you miss me," I coo, stroking his curly mane.

I walk away to find a stable boy to tack up my horse. It's stupid, really that I can't just do it myself. But according to mother, it's 'improper' for a lady to do any sort of 'labor.'

I look in all of the usual places, but find no one. Finally, I notice a boy in the tack room.

"Excuse me, sir," I say. He turns his gaze towards me, and eyes me suspiciously.

He's isn't unattractive. His light brown hair is curled around his face, and his blue eyes are deep, like the ocean. He's just a tad taller than me, and around the same age.

"Would you please tack up my horse," I ask.

"And you would be?" he questions.

"I am Clarabelle," I reply. "My horse is Echo."

His eyes widen. "You're the princess," he stutters. I give him a curt nod, and a brief curtsy.

"And may I ask what your name is," I inquire. His face turns a little pink, embarrassed.

"My name is Leonardo, Princess," he replies, bowing. I laugh a little, causing him to look up.

"Please, just call me Clarabelle," I chuckle. "Forget the formalities."

"Alright, Clarabelle. I guess I should go ready your horse."

"It's a pleasure to meet you," I chime.

"And you as well," he laughs, walking away towards Echo's stall, carrying a saddle.

I silently wonder to myself why my heart raced when I saw him.

But it doesn't mean anything, of course. Does it? No.

"Your horse is ready," Leonardo states, bringing me out of my trance-like state.

"Thank you," I reply, smiling. Our eyes meet, but then I turn my gaze towards the floor.

"Do you need assistance with anything else," he asks.

"No, I'm fine."

With that, I turn on my heels and fetch Echo from his stall. He nuzzles me affectionately, before I climb up onto his back.

I lead him out towards the town, riding sidesaddle. I despise this style of riding, but it's not acceptable for a lady to ride any other way.

Sometimes, I take Echo into a hidden field in the forest, take off his saddle, and ride bareback. But it's risky, because I'd be in so much trouble if I were seen.

But today, I'll just settle for a ride through town. The people there always love to see me. It's only because they all know I'm the princess. I wonder how they'd act if they didn't recognize me.

I push those thoughts aside as I nudge Echo into a trot, and lead him into the village.

A/N Sorry for the long wait. Crazy week. How'd you like the chapter? Anyways, vote comment and thanks for reading!

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