Chapter 6

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"Leonardo's here to escort you," Mother announces, coming to my bedside. She reaches her hands out, and I take them.

"Mother- I need to change clothes," I timorously whisper.

She swiftly strides to my closet, and picks out a modest, lightweight light blue dress.

"Because of your injury, you don't need to wear your corset," she informs me, and I breath a sigh of relief. I hate those detestable things- I can hardly breathe with them on.

Mother helps me change into my dress, because it's difficult for me to move too much.

"Thank you," I sigh when I'm ready. I slip on a pair of matching shoes, and pull my hair into a loose braid, tying it with a blue ribbon.

Mother gives me her arm for support, and I graciously take them. I try to act strong, but in reality walking hurts terribly.

We enter the garden, and I see Leonardo leaning against an elm tree.

I smile to myself when I see him.

"Queen Isabella," he addresses my Mother, bowing his head I'm respect.

"Leonardo," she replies, giving a brief curtsy.

"I understand I'm to escort the princess to the barn to see her horse," he asks, still talking to my Mother.

"If it's not too much trouble," she responds blithely.

Mother hands me over to him, and orders, mostly to me, "Don't be gone longer than an hour!"

I'm actually a bit surprised she's letting me go off with him without an adult escort. Just as well, it must be because she trusts him. After all, he did save my life.

"Thank you," I say, once we've started walking.

"For what?"

"Saving me," I bluntly reply, as if it were obvious.

"It's not a big deal," he mutters.

"Yes it is! If you wouldn't have showed up, I don't know what would have happened," I exclaim, exasperated.

"Any other person in my position would have done the same thing."

We walk in silence for a few moments, before I speak again.

"Leonardo, can I ask you something?"

He nods in approval, and I go on.

"Did any of them get away? What happened to them?" I ask, my voice barely audible. He looks off in the distance thoughtfully, before continuing.

"I... took care of all of them... except for two. They stole two horses from a carriage, and got away," he carefully states.

Tears well up in my eyes, but I hold them at bay, not wanting to seem weak. My breathing becomes ragged, despite my attempt at staying calm.

"Princess, you have nothing to worry about, as long as you always take an escort with you. They won't get you. I doubt they are stupid enough to come back," he assures me, which calms me down.

I look up at him, an notice again how handsome he is. Everything about him- the way his chocolatey hair frames his face, the way his deep blue eyes look into mine, the way-

I stop myself, silently scolding myself for thinking that. I'm in love with


The sounds of horses bring me from my thoughts, as we approach the barn.

"Take me straight to Echo," I demand, but my voice is light, not strict at all.

"As you wish," he chuckles.

As we near Echo's stall, I become more and more anxious. I swear, of he's injured at all, I'll hunt the survivors down and kill them myself. Forget manners, no one touches my horse.

I see him poke his massive head out of the stall. He whinnies excitedly when he spots me, bobbing his head up and down.

"I've been taking care of him while you were resting, but he's really missed you. He's truly a magnificent horse. In fact, I think he's the most magnificent horse I've ever seen," Leonardo almost coos, seemingly off in another world.

"Thank you. And I'd have to agree. He's simply marvelous," I sigh.

"It must be nice to have anything you want," he says, making light conversation.

"Sometimes it is, but- no, never mind."


"Well, sometimes I wish I had a choice. Sure, I can have any material thing I want, but I don't have a choice in my life. My parents decide what I wear, where I go, and who I go with. Even my marriage is to be, basically, a peace treaty," I rant, letting off some steam.

"I never knew- but, if I may ask, don't you love the prince," he inquires. I've been asking myself the same question lately, but I still don't have an answer, at least, not one I can accept.

"Of course I do. I just wish I could have come to that conclusion on my own, without it being decided for me as soon as I was born."

As I say it, I finally realize that I'm lying. I do care a great deal for Pier, but more like a close friend. And no matter how much I try to convince myself, I don't love Pier.


Oh my gosh, I feel awful for not updating in so long!!! so sorry! and thanks for reading!

And I didn't edit because I'm so tired, and in a rush! so if you see mistakes, please tell me!

Happy Halloween!!!🎃👻🎃👻🎃

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