Chapter 21

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"Pier," I calmly state although I feel sick inside. "What do you think you are doing."

"Saving you my dear," he chuckles. "You see, when your parents come and find these two dead, I'll say they were part of a murder scheme to kill you. Your going to defend them, but I'll say that they fooled you so well that you don't know what the truth is."

I glance at Alice, and notice that she's so still it's as if she's dead.

"Did you kill her," I shriek, tears filling my eyes.

"Of course," he laughs maniacally.

"Don't listen to him Clarabelle, he's lying. She just fainted," Leonardo shouts, before Pier silences him.

A sigh of relief escapes my lips, though it doesn't last long. I need to find a way out of this before it's too late.

Alice starts to stir on the ground, which goes unnoticed by Pier, but not by me. Her eyes meet mine, and she slowly, silently starts to stand. I have to keep Pier's attention on me or else all hell will break loose.

"If you were going to kill them why are you dragging out the process," I ask boldly, taking a step forward.

"Stay back, Clarabelle," he warns. "Or I'll-"

"You'll what? Kill him? You don't have the guts Pier. If you wanted him dead, he would be lifeless by now. But you can't kill him anymore than you can do anything else in your life Pier. So drop the knife," I growl, stepping forward again.

"I don't think so," he stutters, stepping backwards.

"Alright- then you leave me no choice," I snarl.

Right on cue, Alice kicks in his knees, causing him to fall to the ground. I snatch the knife from his hand, and get Leonardo and Alice behind me.

I crouch down to the ground, and align my face with Piers.

"That's the difference between you and I, love- I'd have no problem killing you right now if it wouldn't ruin my dress," I chuckle cruelly. Piers eyes widen, and he tries to stand up, but falls in pain. Alice must have kicked him pretty hard.

"How are we getting out of here," I ask, turning to Alice.

"There are two horses in the garden- Echo and Snowflower. Ride away till you reach the mountains. There is a small, wooden cottage where a couple named Elsa and William live. They'll take care of you. We obviously can't go with the original plan now that Pier is like this. He'll kill you both. You can not ever come back here or you'll be in danger," she explains, pushing us towards the stairs.

"Let me change first," I beg, trying to push up the stairs.

"There's no time!"

I sigh, and take the knife to my dress, slitting it where each of my legs go. There's no way I could ride a horse with the dress this tight.

We make it to the garden, and I turn to Alice.

"Thank you- for everything," I whisper, pulling her into a hug.

"Don't mention it."

After our tearful goodbyes, Leonardo and I climb into our horses.

"Alice, you should come with us- it's not safe for you here either," I plead.

"I belong in the palace Clarabelle. But you don't- keeping you here is like caging a bird. Go, before it's too late. To be free," she sighs.

I kick Echo's flanks, and pull him into a gallop. I'm not riding sidesaddle because I don't have the time to he proper.

My hair fly's out behind me, and my dress flutters around me. I clutch Echo's mane tightly, and urge him faster.

Leonardo is not far behind me, as Snowflower is a fairly fast horse.

I never was a fan of cliches- but I seem to be apart of one right now.

My prince came in to save me on a white horse as I rode away in a black one. My prince who wasn't the one I expected. But still my prince nonetheless.


This story is winding to a close, only a few more chapters. This book isn't my best work, but eh.

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