Harry imagine: he cheats

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Harry Imagine: He Cheats

You walked into the flat you and Harry shared. It was a long day and all you wanted to do was cuddle up in Harry's arms like you do every night. You turn around to lock the door and look up. You see Harry on the couch in a full make out session with another girl. Another prettier, skinnier girl. Thoughts just rang through your head. "I knew he would cheat. I knew he would find someone better." A single tear streams down your face. Harry looks up and sees you. All you do is turn around and start to walk through the door. Harry runs up to you and says"(y/n) Wait I-I'm sorry," but it doesn't work. He pulls your arm back and you finally snap and say "Harry I knew this would happen. I knew you could always find someone better." you stutter out. You yank your arm away from him and continue to walk out. "(y/n) WAIT!" harry yells. "NO HARRY! WOULD YOU PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE?!" you scream at him. You love Harry. You love him to death. You were entirely broken inside. Harry was your everything. It finally sunk in that you were losing him. Harry couldn't fix you this time. "(y/n)... " Harry got out. You stopped walking and turned around to see Harry, the one who had just broke you, with a flood of tears rolling down his cheeks. Seeing him cry made to realize how much you truly love him. But he didn't love you because if he did he wouldn't have cheated. You turn around and continue walking, not saying anything. You reach the stairs, but don't walk. you sit down and think about what just happened. Harry walked over and sat next to you. "Why?" You manage to say between sobs. You don't look at him. "Babe, I-I'm sorry. I-I just.. I love you. I know it doesn't seem like it right now but I honestly love you. You're m-my everything and I-I can't let you leave. Please stay. I don't know what i would do without you. You are the most beautiful, perfect girl out there and.. just p-please." He hokes out. You finally look back up at him, seeing his hurt face just killed you all over again. He wrapped his arms around you, and you buried your head in his chest. The two of you sat there. Just sat there. You sniffled and sobbed into his chest. "Please stay." Harry gets out. You stay in his arms as you walk back up to yours and his flat

A/N: hey so this is another one from tumblr, these are just fillers till
i can get one of my own done and yeah. I hoped you like it, if you have any ideas or requests for me just let me know im the comments or kik me @ @/gabriella_elizabeth

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