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We're back at Hogwarts from the whatever holidays they call it we had off, yay. I say bye to Daddy then I make my way to go and see Severus, I hope he had a good holidays too.

"Woah, don't go down there little one" Someone says stopping me from going into the dungeons

"Why?" I ask turning around to find two ginger twins smiling at me

"Stink Bombs" They reply in sync

"You're the troublesome Weasley twins"

"I would think more good than trouble"

"You sent a toilet seat home, Daddy told me"

"That was funny, our best prank yet. I'm Fred and this is George"

"I know"

"And how do you know that? not even our mother knows" George speaks

"Umm, the giant F and G on your jumpers duh"

They both look down at their chests and notice they're wearing the jumpers then they laugh "Oh yeah, well we got to go for Quidditch practice. Avoid the dungeons for a while" Fred speaks as they pat my head and walk off

"I'm not a dog" I call at them before I go back to the chambers

I get back and walk over the chair where I slump on the seat and cross my arms over my chest. 

"Whats wrong little one?" Daddy asks 

"I couldn't see Severus because the twins put a stink bomb down in the dungeons" 

"You'll get to see him at lunch"


"Now come along I got Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs to teach"

We get to the classroom, everyone is having their own conversations. I hear Cedric Diggory talking about Professor Trelawney so I walk over and stand by his desk 

"My dear...you have the grim" I say imitating Trelawney 

"I didn't have that" he laughs 

"Oh..but she says it to everyone" 

"Well not me" 

"Gabbi, you can go and help Professor McGonagall" Dad smiles and motions me to the door where McGonagall is waiting

I nod ok and say bye to Cedric and leave 

"So can you turn into any animal?"

"Just a cat"

"Why a cat? why not a duck?" 

"I don't know"

"Can any of the other professors turn into animals?"

"No, except your father but that's a different case" 

"If Dumbledore could he'd be a raccoon because they're clever animals. Trelawney would be an owl, Hooch a falcon and Snape would be a bat"

"A bat" She laughs as we reach her classroom 

"Why are my rabbits here?" I ask as I run over to the pen climbing in and petting them 

" Your father thought it'll be good to have them here to keep you out of trouble" 

"I always stay out of trouble"

"He's worried you'll get involved with the Weasley twins"

"Those two are funny"

"And trouble"

"But wasn't Daddy like them in school?"

"No, he never got involved in James and Sirius pranks"

"What was Daddy like?"

"He was well behaved, good marks. He did sometimes get involved in the pranks which ended him in detention. He was prefect too"

"Daddy a prefect? But how did he keep control over James and Sirius"

"He didn't, well he tried but failed" 

Great Hall

I take my seat and grin at Daddy who just looks creeped out by me "You said I can't be bad when I come here and I'm not allowed to be in detention."

"That's correct"

"Well that's hypocritical when you've been in detention yourself"

Dad turns and give a smiling McGonagall and Severus lets out a quiet chuckle

"Have you been in detention Severus?"


"he just went to the dark side instead" Dad replies 

I look a the two confused as they give each other the death glare. "You both really need to get over the past and move on" I mumble and begin eating my food. 

Will these two ever get along?

Gabrielle Lupin (Remus Lupin's Daughter) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now