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Hagrid was walking me back to Daddy's as I spent the morning with him. He showed me unicorns, they really do exist. 

"Daddy I want a unicorn"

"A what?"

"You heard me" I smile as I sit on his lap 

"They're a little big don't you think?"

"No, they're pretty. I want one and I'll name her Elsa" 

"You can't have a unicorn little one but I'm sure you can part own one of the ones here instead"

"fine" I sulk crossing my arms 

I spot the twins sat at their house table so I go over and squeeze myself in between them. 

"What you reading?" I smile 

"This is the key to all our past, present and future success at Hogwarts" Fred smile

"Why does it have Daddy and his friends names on it?"

"It doesn't" George replies 

"Yes it does, right there" I say pointing to the name Moony "That was his nickname when he was here and those are his friends" 

"So you're telling us that Professor Lupin, your Dad made this?"

"Well uncle James and Sirius would've helped too if they did make this. They probably made it more than Daddy as they was more trouble"

"Sirius Black?" George asks 

"Yes, Daddy isn't his friend anymore because he is a bad man though" 

They don't reply as they say Mischief Managed and it all disappears, wow that's awesome. I want a map like that, Maybe Daddy can make me one. I say bye to the boys as Daddy is coming over and I go with him to the chamber. 




"Can you make me a magic map like what the twins got too?"

"What map?"

"I can't say it because it's hard but you made it. It had your names on it, well your nick name alone with your friends"

"The Marauders map, how did they find that?"

"I don't know but they got it, it's really cool and I want one" 

"They're hard to make and it took a very long time, will take even longer now it's only me here to make it"

"Ok" I frown and snuggle more into my blankets 

"I'm sure when you're older you'll be able to share it with them"

"I hope so"

"You need to rest now so go to sleep"

"Ok, night Daddy"

"Night little one" He smiles placing a kiss on my forehead and leaving the room

I roll over and cuddle Moony then I fall asleep. 

Gabrielle Lupin (Remus Lupin's Daughter) Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now