Chapter 4

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So I watched.

I watched as every morning for the next couple of months, he would ask me if I was ready yet. I watch as every night he would ask me if I was ready yet. I watched him announce, like a proud toddler, that we're going to have a baby someday. I watched as he looked up playground ideas on his computer, and bedroom ideas. I watched as he looked up recipes for baby food, and the best brand of diapers. I watched as he showed me all his ideas. I saw the jealously on his face as Delaney's belly got rounder and rounder.

It's three in the morning now, and I'm wide awake. Tyler's got me in a tight grip. It's very early April.

Our one year wedding anniversary was yesterday.

I can't sleep. I don't know why.

Tyler told me that Huggies is best for little girls, that Pampers is best for little boys, and then later, he told me that Pampers is best for both because a lot of everything else leaks.

My phone starts ringing loudly on the side table. I snatch it up, pressing answer.

"Hello?" I sigh.

"Carmen? It's Mrs. Worton. Delaney's in labor."

"What? Oh shit."

"She's at Southampton General Hospital. I'm calling everyone."

"Okay, alright, I'm up."

We get off the phone and I violently shake Tyler, getting up.

"What?" he groans.

"Del's in labor!" I say, frantic.

I'm the fucking godmother. I need to be there when this kid comes out. She opted not to know the gender.

Tyler's been so excited for her to give birth.

He shoots up in bed.

"I get to hold a baby!" he gasps, excited.

I pull on a white tight tank top over a beige lacy bra and a pair of skinny jeans. I rake a brush through my long tangled hair, and roll on deodorant. Tyler pulls on a pair of jeans and a wrinkles tight black t-shirt. He grabs his phone and wallet and shoves them in his pocket. I grab my phone and purse and we both rush downstairs. He drives, letting the valet take the Range Rover, and then he grabs my hand and pulls me inside, upstairs.

We get into the waiting room, and we're the last ones to arrive.

"Delaney wants you in the room." Blake says.

"For the birth?" I ask.

"No. She's refusing to let anybody in, myself included, until you go in."

I sigh.

"I'll walk you down." He says.

I can tell it's not a choice. I sigh and hand my purse to Tyler, following Blake down the hall. He opens the door for me.

I walk in and he shuts it behind me.

Del is connected to an IV, and the doctors are talking to her.

She looks at me.

"Oh thank god." She breathes. "I'm about to have a fucking baby, Car."

"I know." I pat her hand.

I'm nervous watching this.

I watch as she clenches her jaw, breathing hard.

"Shit, shit, that hurts, that fucking hurts!"

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