Chapter Three.

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* Louise's POV *

He hadn't even bothered to call me, so much as text me anymore. I'd be surprised if he even had me listed under his phone as ' Chummy ' anymore, having been like that since we first met. A bored sigh left her as she stumbled around her flat, she hadn't done anything productive in weeks, almost not since the day Dan had ditched her. Peej and Chris always came around though, and they were great company, they were expected to come over today even, which made Louise bounce up a little with life.

"Okay. The flat is clean, there is food in the fridge, and alcohol in too if they want any, and plenty of movies and games to play." 

She felt proud of herself, like a proud mother after realizing she hadn't forgotten a single thing for her child, not that Louise was planning on having children anytime soon. Though the name Darcy did make her smile rather lovingly.

"Louise? Can you please open the door? Chris lost the key again."

She was snatched out of her fantasy world, one were she was a mother with a little one running around, curls bouncing and high pitched squeals of joy came from every which direction, to hear Peej yelling through her door.

"One moment chum!"

She shouted and dashed to her room to prep a little, fluffy her hair, even though it was a lazy bun on the top of her head, and rushed to the door, opening it and giving them both a large hug.

"I've missed you both a lot! It's been a bit lonely with Carrie always off doing shows and Zoe with her tour, you know them, busy busy busy."

She was speaking quickly, trying to stay things before they tried to comfort her, she hated pity, though she never refused any. But right now was not the time.

"I have food, alcohol, movies, and games. Make yourself at home boys."

Peej was still a bit concerned, his face in a saddened expression, but Chris pushed right past him, stopped in front of Louise, gave her cheek a little peck, and then continued his trek onto the kitchen, most likely for the food and alcohol.

"Thanks Louise, I'm pretty sure Chris feels right at home already." 

He walked the rest of the way in, gave her cheek a peck, and put his coat up, groaning as he saw how his boyfriend was sprawled on the couch.

"Be polite for God's sake, Christopher!" 

With his cheeks stuffed already, and a beer in hand, he looked up with a rather confused look, then looked to Louise, an ashamed expression on his face.

"Sorry Louise, I didn't mean to be so impolite."

Obviously Peej had been trying to get him to act differently, because this wasn't the Chris she'd grown to know and love, and she made a quick ' pshaw ' and waved him away.

"I'm basically you when I'm all alone, go wild, just. . . don't break anything this time, okay? It was difficult to explain to my landlord what happened to the wall." 

She heard a sigh from Peej, but an excited squeal from Chris, obviously he was very happy to be able to be himself, wriggling in place.

"Don't be like that Peej, you act like you have a stick up your bum sometimes." 

She patted his shoulder and smiled, joining Chris on the couch, having his head on her shoulder. She had always been the eldest and they saw her as a sisterly, motherly, friend figure, and to be honest, she was just fine with that, and quite comfortable. 

"I do not." 

He whined, acting a bit like a child now, which made her chuckle. Peej was actually the youngest out of the three of them, but usually acted like the eldest, which supposedly her job, but she never kept up with it, it never interested her.

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