Chapter Four.

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* Louise's POV * 

She hadn't been to America all that often, or in quite awhile, so she was a bit awkward just standing there at the gate, waiting for her slender friend to appear. Cat said she'd be here, if not a little bit late, but it'd already been 20 minutes and she was beginning to get worried, not for Cat, she could defend herself, but for her very own being. She wasn't used to America, and didn't know what could happen at any moment. Which is why she practically ran when she saw her white - haired friend.

"Geez, Cat, you scared me. I thought you left me."

Arms went around her in a loving hug, and she hugged back.

"I would never leave you, Lou, now come on, LA is a wonderful place, but we need to get you settled in first, to home!"

She smiled at her friend, grabbing her bag again and following her into a taxi cab, soon arriving at her home, to which Louise was awestruck with everytime she visited.

"Geez Cat, you make my home look tiny with this thing."

Cat just waved her away as she pulled her inside, humming as she brought her to the guest bedroom. 

"Just set your things down in here, and follow me to the kitchen. I don't know about you, but I'm starving, and you've been on a flight for a few hours, so I'd imagine you are as well."

She couldn't agree with that, setting down her bag and happily skipping behind her, until she saw something that made her freeze, it was random, it wasn't even something remotely special, but it was vase filled with a single red rose, and suddenly, she was back in another time.

* remembrance sequence * 

"Are you serious, Lou? J - just for me?" 

The way his eyes had lit up made her so happy, it was the first flower crown she made for him, made entirely out of roses, his favorite flower. 

"Just for you, chummy, I know you love roses, so I sneaked a few out of my mums garden and made this beauty! Go on, try it on!"

She urged him to do so with a motion of her hands, to which he obeyed and put it on top of his head, and she gasped, putting her hands up to her cheeks.

"You look so precious!"

She wrapped her arms around him, picked him up, and swung him around a little bit, giggles leaving her mouth. She couldn't believe she'd guessed the size right.

"It's beautiful Lou, thank you."

He leaned down and pecked her cheek, to which she happily giggled, waving him away.

"You make a girl blush, Mr Howell, stop it."

But she knew it was just for fun, he had told her awhile ago girls scared him, except for her, and he was more into the concept of being with guys, which she totally understood, guys were handsome. 

"So Lou, can I ask you something?"

She nodded, beaming up at him and watching carefully. Sometimes Dan could get a bit emotional, and if this happened to be one of those times, she'd be ready to spring into action.

"Your never going to leave me right? Your always going to stick by my side and be my friend? Through better or worse? Life or death?"

It sounded ridiculous, something like what a child would ask, but the way his eyes begged for her to answer, she could tell he was super serious.

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