Chapter Five.

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* Dan's POV ( let's see how the jerk is doing ) *

He couldn't believe what had happened. This was the happiest he'd been in his entire life, meeting Phil, but now he's lost Louise. He was aware those angry texts hadn't been from her, but from Cat, but it had still hurt, he still look at him everyday.

' You ultimate dick, you are so low that even the ground wouldn't accept you. '

' You do know that she is crying right now, don't you? Curled up into a ball on the ground, you fucking idiot. '

' You're such an ass, wow, couldn't even tell her in person what a fucking man. '

And everyone of them hurt.

He was lost in his own little world of self pity when the device went off in his hands, and he saw a text, but it was from an unknown number, and he opened it without thinking. He wished he hadn't done that.

' This is what you did too her, you scarred her mentally, and she punished herself physically. '

He didn't have to think twice before turning the phone off and chucking across the room, shuddering at what he just saw. Louise had always been so bright, bubbly, and full of life. But there, she looked like death walking and barely surviving. Hollowed out cheeks, caved in stomach, and eyes that screamed for help, but looked like she been silent. And this was all because of him.

"Dan? Are you okay? I heard something crash."

He saw Phil freeze through his blurred up eyes, tears in them, and immediately rush to his side, cooing into his ear and trying to soothe him.

"I - I did that to her Phil, I did that too her, and what have I been doing? Snogging and being naughty." 

It was easy for Phil to look confused, until he sent him to go retrieve the phone and open it, to which his eyes widened and he bit his lip in guilt. 

"I - is that. .  .?"

"Lou, it's Lou, Phil. She's not well, and it's all because of me." 

He shut off the device and moved Dan to his lap, sighing and kissing his cheek softly.

"I'm sorry, this is because of me, isn't it?"

He shook his head quickly, his eyes frantic as he hiccuped from how much he was crying.

"It's all my fault, yes, I'm in a committed relationship, but that doesn't mean I have any right to straight up avoid my best friend." 

He bit on his bottom lips, sobs coming out more and more as every time he closed his eyes, that picture of Louise was on his eyelids. He'd done this to her, he'd hurt her and the only thing he'd done was push her away further and damage her more. Why was he so stupid?

"I - I have to go and see her." 

He was ready to get up and go, but Phil shook his head, showing Dan the screen once again. Apparently it had gone off while he was thinking again.

' This is Carrie, please don't come by, Louise is just starting to recover, eat, and talk again. She's starting to smile again, and bloody hell we don't need a prick like you walking back into her life and screwing up everything again. Sorry to be so harsh. xoxo Carrie. '

"Phil, what do I do? I screwed up everything." 

He lay his head against his chest, closing his eyes and letting the tears flow steadily. He was a monster.

"I think the best you can do, is wait. Wait until you can see her again, when she isn't surrounded by so many people, and you two can just talk, one on one."

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