¤Evidence Folder 7¤

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Sarah pushes Kevin behind her to protect him this time. Carol Grabs Sarah's hands and Gets in Sarah's face.

"Drive this thing! Now!" Says Carol.

Sarah stares at Carol with her head tilted. Sarah thinks, 'did she really just ask that. is she crazy or something. has the possibility of death gotten to her? it must have because she still yelling at me like shes my mother. Well....my comparing that to my mother is kind of a stretch. my mother had never yelled at me. she knows it would just make it worse. possibly cause something dramatic and stupid to happen. and that exact same urge started to climb up my spine and down to my fingertips. oh my god is she still yelling?'

Sarah grabs hold of Carol's uniform and throws her to the back. 'that was pathetic.' she thought. Sarah had barely picked Carol up. Carol might as well walked to the back. Sarah rolls her eyes and jumps for the wheel. as her hands embrace the touch of the wheel, the car stops. But not willingly. Sarah's head flies towards the wheels and her right ear gets smashed up against it. Carol hits the back of the drivers seat and hits her head on the back door.

Kevin sits there as the car is to a complete stop. his legs are all mangled up on the front seat floor, and he has his hands over his head. he slowly uncovers his face and looks around. he looks at Sarah as she tries to stand but instead just cries. cries like her mom just died. like she'll never see her again. As if her legs her broken just like Kevin's. But all that's wrong with her is her poor ear. it bleeds down her face and stains down her neck into her cloths. she pushes herself up once more and grabs hold of the wheel.

"Sarah, Sarah what are you doing. the car wont start Sarah. For crying out loud we just crashed!" yells Kevin.

"i know...we need to get out...you need to get out. i have to kill her one way or another." says Sarah.

"what do you mean?" asks Kevin.

Sarah grabs hold of the door handle and pushes it. At first it struggles to open but on the third push it opens and breaks off. Sarah stands herself out of the car and pulls Kevin out. she drags him a couple of yards away from the car and drops him. he looks at her as she walks back. Sarah looks at Carols arm and sees the gun. she takes the gun from her and looks for the back trunk's keys. she finds them in Carols pocket. Sarah points the gun at the trunk as she simultaneously opens the trunk. the trunks breaks open and flies up. Sarah ducks and then sees Selena coming at her. Sarah pulls the trigger and shoots her twice in the center of her forehead. Selena falls back into the trunk. Sarah thinks she is still not dead.

Sarah grabs a gas container from the trunk she hadn't seen before and washes the car wit it. she leaves a long trail behind the car, of gas. as she walks towards the car she stuffs the gun into her pocket while she lock the trunk. when she walks to Carol the gun goes off in her pocket ripping her pants and towards the gas trail. Sarah grabs hold of carol and give all her strength to put her on her back. as the bullet touches the gas, it starts a light fire. the fire begins to grow larger and it speeds towards the car. Sarah tries to sprint with the extra weight on her back but she is too slow. With only a couple of feet from the car, the car catches fire and soon explodes causing the force of the explosion to push up against carols back and pushes them both to the floor. as the fire pulls back away from them carol catches fire.

Sarah pulls off carols jacket and throws it into the pile of fire and car parts. her pants as well. all that was left was her underwear and her T-shirt. Carol begins to wake up and she screams from the burning sensation on her backside. carol reaches for Sarah and Sarah grabs her hand. Sarah stands carol up, and carol stands like it never happened. Carol walks to Kevin and throws him over her shoulder, paying no attention to Sarah. Sarah coughs from all the smoke and follows Carol.

They walk at least a mile before they spot another car. It seemed to be off the road, but untouched. Sarah runs over to it and looks for the keys, none. Carol lays Kevin down in the back seat while Sarah rummages through the glove compartment. She finds who the car belongs to. Her teacher.

"That must've been why i recognized her. She was my teacher. I killed, my teacher." Whispers Sarah. She turns to Carol with the licence she found. "I know who this car belongs to. And where they have the keys."

"Who's car?" Asks Carol.

"The car belongs to the woman i killed. And she has the keys on her." Sarah starts to walk away.

"Where are you going?" Shouts Carol.

"To the woman's body for the keys. You two are in no condition to do that. I am." Exclaims Sarah

"That's why i need you to stay here with Kevin. Ill go, i may be hurt but I've dealt with worse." Says Carol.

"F-fine, ok. Go." Says Sarah.

Carol pats herself down for her gun but cant find it. Sarah reaches to her pocket and pulls out the gun and points it at Carol. Carol lifts her head up and reaches for the gun. She pulls it from Sarah and pockets it snug in the palm of her hand. Sarah walks towards Kevin and sits next to him. She places her head on his chest. As Carol walks back, Sarah jolts her head up and calls for her.

"Carol! Be careful....i highly doubt Selena, didn't survive that. So be discreet while you walk." Tells Sarah.

"Got it." Answers Carol.

Hours pass. Both Kevin and Sarah fall asleep in the backseat of the car. Sarah flickers her eyes open and yawns. She lays her head back onto Kevin's chest and thinks about her mother. 'Where is she? Is she back home?' Sarah places her hand on Kevin's shoulder and remembers something.

"My phone! How can i forget! I could text my mom. Lets see..." whispers Sarah.

Sarah sits up quickly and reaches into all her pockets and finds......nothing. she had remembered that she left it in her room. She slams her elbow on the seat in anger. She immediately regrets it. The worries come back. Her eyes start running water uncontrollably. Her mind starts assuming the worst of thing, she's probably dead, dead, dead, shed not alive, this is happening everywhere...

"Is it?" She asks herself.

Still tearing up, she grabs onto Kevin. She squeezes him and his eyes open wide. His mouth lets out a scream and Sarah quickly back away.

"What, what, what's wrong? Did i hurt you?" Sarah asks in concern.

"Ahhhh!! No! Its not you! My legs!" Screams Kevin.

Sarah jumps at him and rolls up his pant leg while he scream. When she rolls it all the way up, she sees a black and blue bruise from His knee to his toes. On both legs. Except one leg has a noticeable bump. As Sarah touches it lightly he screams in pain. Its a bone. Trying to rip through and out of his leg.

Sarah recovers his leg and grabs his hand. She soon starts to hear footstep splash. It has started to rain. As the water fell from the sky, both Kevin and Sarah catch it in their mouths. The pitter patter of feet in the rain grow louder, grow faster. Sarah hears someone screaming her name. As the noise gets into sight, Sarah can make out Carol running towards her. And someone else. Selena.

Sarah hops up and gets out of the car to squint and see better. "OK...i just don't understand why this bitch wont fucking die. I, i just don't." Exclaims Sarah.

Sarah hears carol shouting at her and fling something. "Sarah! Start the car!" The keys hit Sarah's face.

"Ah, fuck." Says Sarah.

Sarah looks for the keys and finds them next to her feet. She runs to the car and as she jams the keys in, gunshots fire. Sarah twists the keys and the car mumbles to a start. She unlocks and opens the passenger door for Carol. Selena close up on her, but Carol slows her down with a bullet through the leg. Selena falls but quickly gets back up, but Carol makes it to the car by then. Sarah and Carol both lock and close each door. Sarah presses on the gas and all three hit their heads on the back of the seat.

"You think we're gonna lose her?" Asks Kevin.

A banging starts from the back, to the top of the car.

Sarah answers, "Nope."

The Posessed - Book 1 Of The Posessed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now