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As Kevin held Sarah close to him,  water began to travel into his nose. He sneezes it out onto the side and starts pushing Sarah out the window. They both take a deep breath and drop into the water. Glass floats around them as they swim through the window. Sarah goes through first and then Kevin. As Sarah reaches the surface she gets ready to breath the outer air again, instead of breathing the dreaded muggy car air. She flies out of the water and flips her hair back. Her upper body shivers as the water drips down off of her.

She swims towards the land and sees the broken fence on the cliff. Pieces of it leading to the lake where the car sank. As Sarah crawls onto the sand a shard of glass pierces into her hand. She fall on her back and rips out the glass. Blood squirts out onto the sand and her leg. It travels up her arm into her sleeves. Soaking it in blood. The stains of blood leave behind trails, making it look like the vanes in her arms were on the outside of her skin.

She hears footsteps behind her. She reaches a for a piece of wood and jumps up to swing it. A man catches it before it can make contact with his face. He rips it out of her hand and throws it into the lake. He looks at her and hands her his phone. Sarah reaches for the phone slowly. He snatches her hand and slams the phone onto it. His hands and fingers start waving all over the place and Sarah looks down at the phone. 911. That's what was already dialed into the phone.

"what's wrong? Do you want me to call them." asks Sarah.

The man nods his head yes. Sarah calls the police and the man walks to his truck. The man searches through the glove compartment and finds a first aid kit. He pulls it out and rushes towards Sarah. He pulls out a rolled up piece of clothing and grabs Sarah's arm to wrap it. Sarah pays no mind to it, till he drenches her cut with alcohol. Sarah shouts and shoves him away. He falls back and grunts. He holds the cloth tightly and throws it at her.

"hey, I'm sorry.  There's no signal out here. Wait?" Sarah questions.

The man gets up and stands still. Sarah searched the lake. She scans the rest of the lake's beach and doesn't see him.

"crap! Where's Kevin?" says Sarah.

Sarah squints out into the dark water to look for the car and there floated his body. Sarah dove back into the water to save him. But he wasn't moving. It's seemed it his pant leg had been caught on the broken side view mirror. There was blood around him. Sarah swam through the water towards him as fast as she can. She unhooked his pant leg and started up for air.

Sarah drags him onto the sand and lays him down. Sand gets into his leg wounds. Sarah covers them up with some of the cloth the man gave her as the man tried to put some on her hand.

"Kevin,  Kevin.  Please wake up,  please." she whispers.

The man pats her back as she laid her head onto Kevin's chest. The man grunts again and pulls Sarah away. He puts his hands into a fist and slams it down on Kevin's chest. Sarah has no clue what the man was doing to Kevin but she thought the man was hurting him. So Sarah slowly lifts herself up and charges at the man. She flies onto his back and wraps her arms around his neck,  choking him.

"No,  no! Leave him alone! You're hurting him!" shouts Sarah.

The man grabs her arms and pulls her off his back. He lifts her up and throws her into the water. He the grabs Kevin's face and puts his mouth on his. He pinches Kevin's nose and huffs air into his throat. Sarah looks up as she crawls like a newborn deer,  out of the water and her mouth drops. Sarah thought the worst. That the man was kissing Kevin.

Sarah rushed up and ran. She ran towards the man and slammed all her body weight into his and they both plummeted into the sand. As Sarah knelt on the man's chest with a fist in the air,  someone coughed behind her. Kevin had hurled gallons of water onto the sand. Sarah got off the man and ran to Kevin. As Kevin tried to sit himself up,  Sarah slide her arms under his and locked her hands firmly in front of his chest. Kevin coughs up another gush of water when Sarah squeezed him and turns to her. He kissed her cheek and whispers in her ear.

The Posessed - Book 1 Of The Posessed SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now