10. Distorted Collisions

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trigger warning, probably; consuming alcohol !!!

Music, loud and blaring, zipping through the crowd and pulsating through their bodies as it passed in thunderous waves. My head pounded, moving to the noise no matter how hard I tried to stop it. Bodies crashed, singing voices were combined, louder louder louder.

Lights, bright and flashing, making the room spin and change colours every millisecond just to confuse us. They would pass in front of my stunned eyes, blinding me momentarily, before skipping to their next victim. I soon got used to it.

Bodies of all sorts, moving in tune and swaying, forcing me to join along because it was all I could do not to get crushed.

I didn't know what they were singing, but I sang along anyway.

A tall girl, much taller than me and dressed as a mermaid, put a cup in my hand with a strange, weird smelling liquid inside. "Drink it," she told me, so I downed it. The stuff burned its way down my oesophagus, augmenting my heart palpitations and making my vision blur for a second. I let out a breath and she smiled, satisfied. "There's a lot more where that came from," she purred, stroking my cheek before pointing to a table by the back. Then she left, and I nearly fell over.

I meant to follow her, though I'm not sure why, but I got pushed back into the mess of moving figures and silhouettes. I really had to find Will.

As I maneuvered my way through the crowd, I somehow got caught in a circle of dancing teenagers. "Hey!" said one of the girls, "I haven't seen you around. Are you new?"

Another guy cut in, "A new kid, eh? Great timing."

"I'm uh, looking for a tall, blonde surgeon guy," I blinked, my vision blurring again.

"Aren't we all?" Laughed a different girl as she pulled me into their group, pushing another drink into my hand. "Loosen up," she whispered, smirking as they started their grinding routine again. I sighed, downing the drink in my hand. It burned less this time, but I could feel a different kind of energy flowing through my veins and I'm pretty sure it wasn't from the burrito I had at lunch.

My brain beat against my skull, the pounding of my growing headache suddenly louder than the pounding of the beat, but I hardly noticed it. Whatever they had given me seemed to be working, wiping my mind clean, all my thoughts vanishing, just like that. For once, I could actually stop thinking, stop worrying, stop contemplating everything, and just live. It felt good. Aces, it felt amazing.

I let go of my hold over the controls of my body and lost myself to the music as if it were the only light in a dark forest that could guide me. I succumbed to it, letting its power flow freely as it would through me and welcoming the buzz that crawled beneath my skin. I was immortal, uncontrollable, so alive. For once, I felt like nothing was wrong, like I wouldn't even have to find a way home because I knew I would see my family again.

So I danced, and I danced and I danced and I danced and I danced, even though I didn't know how, even though I could barely walk, even though I had lost count of how many drinks I had. I could've sworn I'd been looking for something before, but it had crossed my mind completely. I guess it couldn't be that important if I couldn't even remember it.

I had seen Marielle at some point in the night; she was dressed up as a tiger, and Wren as a lion. They were glad to see me at the party, they said. They were confused as to why I wasn't with Will, but I just brushed it off. Will could find me if he wanted to, was my reply, sending me into a fit of giggles. They exchanged a look, but said nothing of it so we spent our time jumping up and down and yelling at the tops of our lungs in sync with everyone around us.

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