chapter nine

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As soon as H left, I ran up to the window to make sure he was really gone. Once I knew he was, I started 'exploring'.

I made a point to open every single door that was closed. You can't blame me, you'd want some info too if you were as confused as I am. Also, he should've locked them or something. It's crazy to trust someone that you've just met. 

I opened a bunch of doors, and they surprisingly weren't locked. One was another bathroom, a bedroom, and a completely empty room.

But then, just as was about to quit, because this Veronica lady will be here soon, I opened a door that looks like an office. There were a bunch of folders and some weird machines and papers. I picked up a bunch of the papers and looked through them. We took a few education classes, but we never really learned much. We knew a good amount of words, but these papers were just plain confusing.

I found a paper with the picture of a small baby on the top right corner. On the paper were the words, "Louis William Tomlinson; Age: 6 months." I kept looking around the clump of papers. Why does H have all this info on me?

Then I saw a couple. They were absolutely beautiful. Were these my parents?

I got a hold of myself and kept looking. There were more papers just like the one with my picture on it. One was about Charlotte Tomlinson, who had the same last name as me. And there were many other papers about people.

Then I saw H's face on a paper. Then on the right corner, "Harold Edward Styles."

So it's Harold huh?

If this was really secret information he would've tried harder to hide it, right? Or was he just an idiot?

I heard footsteps behind me and I panicked. I must've lost track of time.

A tall, tan woman appeared behind me. 

"Well then," she said in a really deep voice. Was this person trans-gendered? 

"I um...." I was at a loss of words. Was I supposed to apologize? Say hi? Run?

"Come on now hun. I don't have enough energy to get mad at you. That's his job." She said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me into the living room that was still a disaster of a mess. "Ugh I can't believe Harry keeps the place so nasty."

"Anyways, I'm Veronica. As you probably know. And I already don't like you." She said as she pulled her phone out. 

"Please don't tell H! I'm sorry I didn't mean to!" I was scared that Harold... H would just send me back. What if he didn't want to help me anymore?

Then, I noticed the blonde girl on the couch next to Veronica. She looked exactly like that girl, Charlotte, from the papers. 

"Louis?" She spoke, in almost a whisper. 

"H-How do you know m-my name?" I stuttered.

"Oh! Let me introduce you two," Veronica starts, "Lottie, this is your brother Louis. Louis, your sister Lottie."


There was a loud door slam as H's face came into view. "Z, why didn't you take the girl to the the office? Why are you always so reckless, Lou wasn't ready for this! Are you kidding me?" Harold boomed. I was confused beyond words. Who was Z? The office? What's that? 

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