Rainbow, I'm sorry

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Fluttershy's POV
I jump down from the tree I was in and walk to rainbow, who was sitting with her back towards me, I walk over and put my hands over her eyes and tell her to guess who while making my voice slightly different."fluttershy, is that you"? how did you know I inquired, "you always smell like the rain". I sit down next to rainbow. "I'm sorry" I tell rainbow. "Why are you always sorry, you didn't do anything" rainbow says as she turned away from fluttershy. "Besides here comes your boyfriend". I guess, first peirod is gonna start soon I tell dash before walking off hand in hand with prism.
Rainbow's POV
To hell with school, it's not like I'm gonna get into any trouble from my parents. I decide to sit on the bleachers and skip first peirod. I pull out my phone and text Aj.
Rainbow:Aj, I think I like flutters
Applejack:well she's got prism so, keep your feelings to yourself.
Applejack:where are you at anyway? Class already started.
Rainbow:I'll catch you after first hour. See Ya
Rainbows POV
geez that was really rude of Aj to say, shes always told me to be honest with how I feel and all that mushy garbage. I can feel tears forming at my eyes and since no one is around, I cry and cry over fluttershy and how she's with prism now. My crying is interupted when I hear pinkie screaming my name.
"Dashie, where are ya"? I wipe away my tears, hey pinks, I'm over here. "Were you crying, rainbow?" Pinkie asked quietly before sitting next to me. Yeah, it's just not fair that prism gets fluttershy, what if I wanted her. Pinkie pulls me in for a hug and I start to cry again. "Look rainbow, i wasnt suppose to tell you this but, fluttershy isnt really dating prism, he's actually gay. I laugh yeah right pinkie and twilight isn't your girlfriend. "I'm serious, the whole prism & Shy relationship is to make you jealous, and from what I can tell it worked. So, come back to class with me and stop moping around. I already to Aj I'd be back after first hour. I'll see you guys later. I'm gonna take a walk and think about what you said pinks, thanks for listening i say while I walk away.

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