Chapter 2

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Lovino,the older twin brother has woken up from faintness,and stood up from his two feet as he is swinging his arms left to right then lifted his right arm,and took his hand to his eye to rub it as he was feeling dazed. Once he recovered from feeling dazed his eyes opened up,and noticed his dead mother on the floor.

The poor child is in distress,panicking,and shaking from his entire body. He fell over and slipped on the floor and extended his finger,pointing at the mother's corpse.

"F-F-Feliciano! Our m-m-mother!" as he cried out in tears,bawling his eyes out.

Feliciano looks at his brother,then at the corpse of his deceased mother that he has killed. He looks down at her corpse,and has a large grin on his face. Then,he turned his head back at Lovino with a devilish grin on his face,and spoke;

"Don't you understand,she abused me. And she abused you,she couldn't tell us apart because of the fact we are twins....beside,she deserves it. If this kept on going any longer,neither of us would be alive. We would be six feet underground." said Feliciano with a hint of an eerie tone in his voice.

Lovino was scared of his own brother,but he had to get away from his brother,he was mad,or crazy. He killed mother for goodness sake. So,the boy got himself up and pushed Feliciano away from him,and ran towards the front door.


A knife was thrown,Lovino screamed,and fell down on the floor,crying out for help and crying into tears,the tears flowing down onto his cheeks. He turned his head,and noticed the back of his leg was cut deeply,he looked up to see his brother looming over him with a cold look on his face,those eyes....they look sinister.

Feliciano stepped forward,and took the knife out of Lovino's leg,as the blood spat out of his leg. Feliciano held the knife,and as if he was ready to attack again.

Lovino cried,and cried,and eventually begs his brother to not kill him.

"You promise to not tell anyone..." said Feliciano.

Without saying a single word,Lovino shook his head violently up and down in tears.


"I-I-I promise!"

"Keep it as a secret,fratello."

The two of them together cleaned up the blood as much as they could with water,or some soap since they don't know how to clean blood stains from the wooden floor in the living room but it somehow works,they continued their day as normal. But Lovino was still traumatized at the sight of a dead corpse just decaying in the living room till their father came home.


After losing his wife by a murderer,the police couldn't find any clues or evidence of how she was killed,and so they had it to "close the case". Eventually,the boys grew up without a mother,but grew up with an alcoholic father. The boys grew up to be 14 years old in secondary school. Feliciano managed to keep an A class student,while Lovino is an C class student.

Lovino has suffered from bullying as usual when students find out that Feliciano looks like a freak with his eyes closed. One day before school could end,Lovino was trapped in the bathroom by his bullies. They laughed,and mocked him and threw his belongings on the ground. One of them even dunked Lovino's head inside the toilet.

He couldn't breathe air,he felt like he was drowning in toilet water. Eventually he was tugged away from the toilet and was rescued by Feliciano. His hair was soaking wet,but when he took a look behind Feliciano,it was horrific.

Three students laying on the bathroom floor spread out pouring blood from their heads. There were glass pieces on the floor,and even on these students' faces.

Lovino's eyes drawn down to notice Feliciano's knife is covered in blood.

Before Lovino could even process what he had witnessed,a student came into the boys bathroom,and sheik,and shouted for the teacher.


Once they arrived home with their father,Feliciano was expelled from school for almost killing three male students but in his defense he was only protecting Lovino from the bullying if it had gone too far.

Their father grabbed a belt,and started beating,and physically and verbally abused Feliciano. He even threatened his own son. But this didn't faze Feliciano,this only made him love the pain more and more.

What he doesn't know he'll end up dead.....

Soon,his father signed up Feliciano to a camp to fix him but Feliciano didn't want to go if Lovino came with him,but Lovino refused.

"Fa-ther....i have to tell you something..."

This was unexpected,something that was uncounted for,but he didn't think this day could come any sooner.

"Looovi~" he sings as Lovino turns his head and feel a chill down his spine.

Lovino and Feliciano stared at one another,and Lovino knew he had to be put down in his place by Feliciano. So,he stood back away from his father,and went by Feliciano's side.

"You broke my promise..."

Before Lovino could utter a word he was slapped across the face by Feliciano once he fell down onto the wooden floor,he laid there unconscious. The father just witnessed it as he ran to the rotary phone,but was caught by Feliciano's hand.

Feliciano's smile turned into a wicked huge smirk on his face,he went from giggling to laughing at the sight of his father. Who is a scared alcoholic terrible father...

The laughter from Feliciano has now turned into hysterical laughter once he used a kitchen knife to tear through his father's skin into his chest over and over again as blood gushes all over Feliciano's face,and hands.

Dark!Italy x GermanyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora