Chapter 5: The date

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   Tuesday. The day went by quickly. Ofcourse, there was school and nothing really much happened at school today. It was just a normal day for the five friends. But today was Maya and Lucas's date that Riley had planned. Riley wanted Maya to talk to Lucas about her feelings to why she likes him. Riley and Maya was at Riley's living room chatting and sitting down on the couch. "Anyways, are you ready for the date?!" Riley asked Maya and gave her a big smile. "Riley, are you sure about this?" Maya chuckled while she asked Riley. "YES PEACHES! I am sure" she excitingly said. Maya would have felt guilty if she didn't go to the date with Lucas because she didn't want to let Riley down since she planned it. Riley turned on the television and started watching a show. While Riley was watching, Maya was distracted by her own thoughts. Maya had kept thinking about why Riley wanted her to have a date with Lucas since Riley likes him too. As you know, Maya doesn't really like Lucas. Maya didn't want to tell Riley yet.

It was around 5:30-6:00 in the evening. Maya and Lucas was walking to 'Topanga's' for their date. While walking there they were having a conversation. "... Why did you really want to have a date with me Maya?" Lucas asked Maya. "Well, Riley wanted me to. I didn't want to let her down or reject her" she answered. Lucas didn't reply because he had thought of something on his head. "Riley wanted her to?" Lucas thought on his head. When they arrived at 'Topanga's', Lucas went to order drinks for both of them while Maya sat on one of the chairs. After Lucas got their drinks he went to Maya and sat with her. It was awkward for Lucas, but for Maya, she seemed calm. "Maya, you told me that you wanted to go on a date with me because Riley told you to?" he curiously asked Maya. "Yes, I just wanted to go because again, I told you, that I don't want to let her down. Gosh do you listen?" Maya said. "So, like say, if Riley didn't plan this and I did and instead I was the one to ask you on a real date. You wouldn't come" Lucas asked Maya. "Nope" Maya said while reaching for her drink on the table. Lucas got really really curious and had so much questions, but he only asked one question.

   "Maya, look at me" he asked Maya while getting close to her. Maya then looked at Lucas. "Do you really like me?" Lucas asked. It was silent for 10 seconds after he asked that question. "Ugh, I'll give you an answer, a long one. Listen, I don't really like you. When Riley thought that she had found out who I like, I didn't want to like... disagree with her you know?" Maya stated. "What are you saying?" Lucas asked. "I don't know what I'm trying to say. But, I don't know. But I don't like you Mcboing-boing" Maya said while leaning back to her chair. "I'm calling Farkle to come here because he usually figures things out. I'm confused too" Lucas said while getting his phone out. Maya shrugged because she didn't care.

   After waiting for 20 minutes, Farkle arrived to where Maya and Lucas were. "Lady and boy." Farkle said while sitting down with them. "Farkle, help me figure out a problem please." Lucas said. "Sure, anything" Farkle said. Lucas then explained everything about how Riley told Maya to go on a date with him and how Maya didn't want to let Riley down and he explained to Farkle how if he -Lucas - was the one to plan the date and ask Maya, Maya would not go. "I see... I see..." Farkle said after Lucas had explained everything. "So Riley planned this date? Maya?" Farkle asked Maya. "Yes she did" Maya said while putting her drink on the table. "and that if you disagreed not to go to this date, that you would hurt Riley's... Feelings?" Farkle continued. "Yes. You know how sensitive Riley is." Maya stated. "Maya this is an important question.. do you have feelings for Riley instead of Lucas?" Maya immediately turned to Farkle and her eyes widened. "WHY WOULD YOU SAY THAT?" Maya said really outloud. "Well, it seems like this is about Riley because you only wanted to go on a date with Lucas because Riley told you so, but! You didn't want to go but Riley, I guess, begged you to go and that you didn't want to let her down." Farkle said. Lucas then rose one eyebrow out, "wait so, you have feelings for Riley instead?" he confusingly asked Maya. Maya didn't exactly know what the answer to that is. Instead, she left the place without saying anything. "What was that for?" Lucas asked in a sassy tone. "I think I just figured it out." Farkle said. "Figured out what?!" Lucas said getting all mad. "Lucas, don't you get it? Maya has feelings for Riley. She might like or even love Riley" Farkle stated. "and maybe we should tell Riley." Farkle continued. "No, are you crazy." Lucas said as he got worried. "Lucas, we have to. It's better than keeping secrets from eachother. Especially if Maya is going to keep secrets from Riley. They are the bestest friends ever. So we have to tell Riley and Riley can talk to Maya about it after." Farkle said as he stood up and waited for Lucas to stand up too and he did.

    Both boys headed to Riley's apartment building. They got to Riley's door and knocked. Riley opened the door. "Lucas? Farkle? wait Lucas, aren't you suppose to be with Maya? And where's Maya anyways?" Riley was worried. Farkle then dragged Riley to the couch in her living room along with Lucas following. "That's what we came here to talk about Riley" Farkle said while sitting Riley down. "Talk to me about what?" Riley asked while looking up to Lucas and Farkle. "Riley, there's something that you need to know." Lucas said while Farkle was nodding. "What? Know what?... Oh my god. Is Maya okay? What happened to her? Where is she? Is she alright?" she started to panick and she had
stood up from the couch. Farkle sat her back down. "Riley calm down, she's okay" Farkle said assuring Riley. "Okay well what is it then? What do you need to tell me?" Riley asked. "Okay well, don't freak out or anything. But, we think that Maya has feelings for you." Farkle said as he sat down with Riley on the couch. Riley looked at the floor, she looked completely lost and was frozen. "We think that. It's because you told Maya to go on a date with Lucas right, yes, she didn't want to reject you. You know what I'm saying? Like, she only went to that date because you wanted her to and she said to Lucas that if she didn't go, she would feel guilty, not for Lucas but for you." Farkle explained to Riley.

Riley was still in shocked and had nothing to say. She thought about what Farkle said and she did believe that it's true. "Riley, I'm going to ask you a question now. I asked Maya a similar question, I asked her if she had feelings for you instead of Lucas but she got like upset and told me why I would say that and just left the place. Now that's another clue to why she has feelings for you. She didn't tell me an answer. So it must be true. But I'm going to ask you the same similar question.." Farkle said. Riley then finally looked at Farkle but never said anything. "Okay so everyone knows that you like Lucas but do you have feelings for Maya instead of Lucas though?" Farkle asked.

Riley left Farkle's question hanging for about 2 minutes. "Well Riley?" Lucas said. "Riley, it's okay if you do have feelings for her. I understand. I want you both to be happy and I don't want to be in between of this. But my theory is that you liked me and dated me only for a while just to forget about having feelings for Maya, because look at both of you, it looks pretty obvious. If you haven't noticed yet. Maya looks at you very differently, in a good way, like she looks at everyone the same way but when she looks at you, it's different." Lucas said while comforting Riley. Riley's eyes started to fill with tears and as she blinked her tears streamed down to her cheeks. "I don't know. I'm just so confused. I don't know if I have feelings for Maya. I think I do but -that- it's - like, I don't know. I'm just so confused with myself because I like Lucas too but I've always thought about Maya in my head too. Like this day last week, all I could think about was her. But I am just very confused. I don't know." Riley said. "It's okay to be confused Riley. I know this is hard to face, especially if it's your best friend and its... The same gender as you. But there's nothing wrong with that" Farkle said as he rubbed Riley's back comforting her. "Guys, thank you for talking with me. Can I just have time to think about this. I am very confused. Thank you for coming here. Lucas, I am very sorry." Riley said while tears still streamed down her cheeks. "Riley, it's okay. I really do understand." Lucas said and after, he hugged her for comfort. "Right, Lucas we should go and leave Riley alone... She needs her alone time" Farkle stated. "Yes please I really do need time. Again, thank you for telling me." Riley said. Lucas and Farkle then headed to the door and gave Riley a slight smile. As soon as Lucas and Farkle were gone, Riley ran to her bedroom, slammed her door and immediately went to her bed and started to cry really hard.

After crying and crying for 2 hours, she finally fell asleep. Topanga, Auggie and Cory had just came home from Auggie's play at his school. Topanga entered Riley's room and saw that she was asleep and that she was still on her outfit clothes instead of her pajamas. When Topanga approached Riley in her bed, she noticed the wet stains on Riley's pillows from when she was crying. Topanga looked worried and after, she left her bedroom to go talk to Cory about it.


*a/n: WHEW OMFG that was Chapter 5. I had fun writing about it. Each chapter gets really really really intense, not in a bad way. Chapter 6 will be out by tonight or early tomorrow. Thank you for reading :)))*

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