Chapter 9: Maya

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It's still Friday and it was 5:00 in the evening. Riley was still napping until she got woken up by Topanga. Topanga shooked Riley really fast trying to wake her up. When Riley opened her eyes, she saw that her Mom had a scared, traumatized face. Riley got up pretty fast.

"Mom, is everything okay?" Riley asked while she was rubbing her eyes.
"Riley, Maya is in the hospital. We need to go. now!" Topanga said in a worried tone. Riley couldn't believe the words that came out on her moms mouth. Her heart dropped. She then immediately put on her shoes and powered walk to the kitchen after. "Mom what's going on? I'm scared. You guys are scaring me." Riley's voice was shaking. "Honey, there's no time to explain now. We need to hurry to the hospital" Cory said while rushing to getting his car keys on the key rack.

  When they arrived outside of the hospital, Riley quickly ran inside the emergency room not knowing where to go. But luckily, when she looked to the hallway on her right, she saw Maya's mom Katy with her head on resting on the wall. Cory and Topanga followed her. When Riley got to Katy, she kneeled down and held her hand. "Katy? What happened? Where's Maya? What's going on?" Riley worriedly asked. Katy couldn't talk at all but her eyes looked at a room signing that Maya's in there. There was a big window by the door so you could see what was going on inside. Riley turned her head and slowly got up and walked to the window slowly. She saw Maya on a bed with wires and machines attached to her as well as doctors and nurses all around her. Riley got closer to the window and one of her hand touched the window. She fell on her knee and started crying hard with her hand on her chest. Topanga kneeled down to her and hugged her while Riley was still crying hard while Cory was with Katy comforting her as well. Minutes later the doctors came out of the room, Cory got up from his chair and went up to them to talk to them while the nurses told the other three that they could go inside.

     As they got inside, Riley couldn't believe what she was witnessing. She saw Maya with her eyes closed, wires attached to her, stitches on her head and a brace around her neck. Riley slowly walked to her bed, making her cry again. She pulled in a chair by her bed and sat down. She started running her fingers on Maya's hair, "Peaches... Maya. What have you done to yourself? Why did this have to happen to you? Please wake up. I need you. I need you by my side. Please pull through this. Please wake up. Please wake up. Plea-"  She started crying even more harder and was sobbing cutting herself off. Riley was heartbroken and didn't believe anything that was happening and hoped that it was all a dream but it was really happening.  Cory had just got done talking to the doctor, they basically talked about Mayas condition and how she will pull through. He walked in the room and saw Topanga comforting Katy with a hug and saw Riley crying hard by Maya's bed. Cory walked up to both Topanga and Katy and rubbed Katy's back, he then went to Riley by going to the other side of Maya's bed and pulled a chair to sit on. He looked at Katy and Topanga signing them that he needed to talk to Riley privately. Both Topanga and Katy went outside and to walked around for now.

     "Riley, she's gonna be okay'"  Cory said as he looked at her and gave her a slight smile. "How do you know that Dad? Look at her, she's in pain Dad. I can't handle looking at her like this." Riley cried out loud. "Riley, she's Maya. She's Maya Hart. We both know that she is a strong person, and so does she. I promise you that she will pull through this because she is strong and that she will fight through this, you mean the world to her Riley, don't ever think that she will leave you. She's right her and sleeping and alive."  Cory said while comforting Riley. "I'm just so scared about losing her... I wont lose her but... It just scares me when I think about how it would happen... I-If... I can't do this..."  Riley said and started crying again. "Riley, I'm gonna leave you both alone. I can tell that you need your alone time.." Cory said while standing up and gave Riley a hug and walked out.

    "Maya, I know you're somewhere in here and I know you are listening to me. Listen closely. Maya you know that I love you so much, Whatever happens I will be always right here and I know that you will be by me all the time too. I am so sorry that I wasn't with you when all of this happened and only found out hours later that you were in here." Riley sobbed again, "Please don't leave me. Please don't. I need you here. Please Maya. I can't lose the person I really love the most. I can't even explain my love to you." Riley cried even more harder after. She got up from her chair and hugged Maya from her bed for 5 minutes while crying. She let go after and sat back down. Riley intertwined her fingers to Maya's. She rested her head on Maya's bed and fell asleep after from all that crying and still had her fingers intertwined to Maya's while she slept. Riley basically cried herself to sleep..

      Zay, Farkle and Lucas was alarmed by Cory and all three of them got together and took the bus to the hospital. When they got to the hospital's emergency building, they immediately went to the front desk. "Uh, Hello. We're here for Maya Hart. What room number is she staying in?" Farkle asked the nurse in the front desk. "Sorry boys, only family can go in."  The nurse said looking at them with a sad face. "We are her family! We've known her for a while now. We know her more than you do. Why do you tell us that we can't go in when you can?! You don't even know her but you can?!" Zay shot back. The nurse looked at him weirdly. "It's my job" The nurse stated. "Nurse its okay they're with me" Cory interrupted.

Cory lead the boys to Maya's bedroom, when they got there they entered and saw Maya in her bed with Riley sleeping by her side. All three of them had their arms on the back and looked concerned. "She looks so bad.. What happened to her?" Lucas asked. "Well, the cops and the doctor told us that she was trying to cross the street, until a truck came in her way. She didn't look both ways before crossing. But the truck driver got arrested because apparently he ran over Maya on a street cross walk. The traffic light was red but ignored it making him run over Maya. His speed was also out of the limit. So it was his fault" Cory explained. "Glad the driver got arrested. He deserves it." Zay said. "Yep, he's gonna spend a lot of time in prison" Topanga excitingly said. All of them laughed softly.

It was getting late and the boys said their bye's and after, three of them headed home. Cory and Riley were the only one's remaining in Maya's hospital room because Katy went home so she could get a fully rest, Topanga went with her to watch over her for now. Riley was still asleep. Cory was watching television but was distracted by his phone. Riley woke up from her sleep. "Dad? Where's mom and Katy?" Riley asked making Cory jump. "You scared me" Cory said while laughing and then continued, "Katy went home to get rest and Topanga went with her so she can watch over her just in case." Cory explained to Riley. "Oh.. Okay. I'm gonna go back to sleep" Riley said while resting back her head on Maya's bed. "Honey, sleep on the couch this time. You're gonna get uncomfortable and you're gonna hurt your back. It's getting late too. Sleep on the couch" Cory offered. Riley nodded and walked to the couch and then fully lied back down. "Goodnight dad" she said while yawning. "Goodnight sweety" Cory said back. "Oh wait... If Maya happens to wake up or if something happens, while you're awake, please wake me up" Riley said. Cory nodded and kissed her on the forehead. He walked back to the chair to watch his show.

   After 20 minutes of watching television, Cory got tired and turned the t.v off and walked to the other side of the room to go to the couch to sleep and then finally he had fell asleep.


*a/n: oh my gosh, this was so sad to write. I cried halfway while writing this. I hope you guys liked it!!! Literally stayed up all night just writing this. It's 9 am here and started this last night at like 10. Lol! Enjoy!!! Thank you so much for reading :))*

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