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- Max's POV -
                     Me and Adam showed Ross around the office. Adam seemed to be looking at Ross in                                                                                             unusually ways.
                                                                          " so what next " I asked Adam.
                                                                        " I don't know really " said Adam.
                          I really didn't know what to do know since we showed Ross the office and all.
                     " Max can I talk to Ross and you can go do something with yourself? " Adam said.
                                                                            " OK " I said walking to my office.
-Adams POV -
                                                      " OK tell me a little bit about yourself " I said.
                                                                     " huh...m-me! " Ross said stuttering.
                     I smiled he looked cute I had to tell him that I liked him but if I did Max would kick my                                                                                                             ass.
                                                    " yea what do you like to do? " I asked trying to calm him.
                                          " oh umm I like anime there's something " he looked at the floor.
                          I tilted his chin up I didn't want him to be shy I wanted him to warm up to the office.
                                                    Ross blushed I could see it. I smiled he was adorable.
- Ross' POV -
                                                          I was blushing like crazy what was Adam doing?
                                                   I was shy why am I always like this. Damn I'm so weak.
                                                                             " u-umm...Adam? " I said.
                                 He shushed me I got really scared the I then pushed his hand away.
                                      " listen are you flirting with me? " I asked afraid of the answer.
                                                                                 " a little " he smiled.
     I gulped Adam took me by surprise and kissed me I had no idea what to do I didn't want this I                           didn't like this. I tried to push him away from me but I wasn't strong enough.
              Suddenly Adams lips unattached to mine all I seen was a black shirt in front of me in a                                                                                       flash I knew it was Max.
- Max's POV -
                      I turned the corner and there I saw Adam kissing Ross and it looked like he was trying                               to push him away so I gave him a little help. I pushed Adam away from Ross and                            stepped in front of Ross no one was going to be kissing my narwhal ( or squirrel)                                                                                               when I'm around.
                                                                   " what the fuck Adam " I yelled.
                          " what , Max your little bud was just shy so I gave him a little push to not be " Adam                                                                             said and looked at Ross and smiled.
                        Ross got up and grabbed my shirt and hid behind me. I could tell he didn't like this.
                                            " he can be who he wants just leave him alone Adam " I said.
                                                                         " not on my watch " Adam said.
                       Adam came at me and pushed me away and that left Ross standing there paralyzed.                                   Adam picked up Ross and locked him in his office with Adam in there with him. I                                  got so mad when Adam started kissing him like crazy. That got me fired up.
                                        " ADAM YOU LET ME IN HERE RIGHT NOW AND LEAVE ROSS ALONE HE                                                                         DOESN'T WANT YOU DOING THAT TO HIM! " I yelled.
                                         Adam ignored me. This was the last straw Adam wants it coming he                                                                                                       will get what he wants. 

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