Twist and turns

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                       -Ross' POV-
I woke up with a pair of arms around my waist and then I saw it was Max.
I kissed his forehead and he woke up. I asked him if he wanted something to eat and he replied with a nod. I got up and cooked breakfast for us.
"So how was your sleep?" I asked.
"Good , you?"
"I slept well" I smiled.
I set his and my plate on the table and we begin to eat. After that we went to get ready to go to work I went up to my room to get dressed so did Max. We both came out and we where off Tim already went with Adam and them so it was just me and Max. Max said he would drive I didn't really feel like driving anyway. Max put my hand in his and he intertwined our fingers. I really loved Max he was the best I hope I can tell him that sometime.
Adam greeted me and Max at the door and I just brushed past him.
"Yo ,Ross what's up" he smiled.
"Nothing Adam just leave me alone" I walked straight to my office not saying a word to anyone.
                      -Max's POV-
I saw Ross walk off to his office not saying a word to anyone. I could tell he didn't want to deal with Adams shit so I didn't stop him. Adam yelled after him but he just told him to leave him alone.
"Yo ,Max what's up with Ross" Adam said.
"Maybe he's just done with your crap"
"Is this from last night , I'll tell him in sorry maybe I'll do it right now" he smiled and walked off.
I decided to watch him just in case he decides to do something he will regret. Adam walked into Ross' office. I could tell Ross wasn't liking where this was going and he almost looked scared.
                      -Ross' POV-
Adam walked into my office...WAIT ADAM!!?? I did not like where this was going I wanted Max here now.
"Hey Ross I just wanted to say...I like you or love you" he smiled.
Wait did I hear that correctly he likes me but I don't like him I like Max. Oh Max where are you.
Well this was a twist Adam why!
( I know he's married and has a kid no hate)

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