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                             -Max's POV-
Adam was going to tell Ross something I hope he doesn't mess this up or he's dead!
Ross is the best thing that could ever happen to me I don't want Adam to mess it up for us. Ross is just to nice and gentle to be messed with. Not like what happened with Jin that's never going to happen again.
I went to go check on Ross and I saw something that I didn't want to see. Adam towering over Ross oh hell no.
I barge in and pull Adam off.
"That's the final straw Adam stop it!" I got mad I didn't want Ross hurt or broken like with Jin.
"What Max, Ross just wants some company" he glares down at Ross who is hiding behind me scared as hell.
"Adam I don't want to hit you or get mad at you just leave Ross alone and let him have his peace. He doesn't want you around him. He needs space after what happened with Jin he's not really trusting a lot of people so back off" I glare at Ross to where Adam couldn't see me do it.
Adam walks out. I crouch down to where I'm level with Ross.
"You alright?" I say worried.
He nods. He then hugs me and doesn't let go. I wrap my arms around him I've been wanting this to happen for a while now.
"Thanks Max for saving me back there I don't know if I could have made him back off no matter how hard I tried" Ross said a little shaky.
"Come on we are going home early I don't want Adam messing with you anymore" I said to him. He nodded and let go of me.
I put my arm around him while we walk to the car. I tell Tim that we where leaving and he said he would stay with Barney and Red.
"Looks like it's just going to be me and you huh Ross" I look over at him then back at the road.
"Yea seems so..." Ross says a little down.
"Is something wrong Ross?"
"What is it you can tell me anything"
"I'm scared that Adam will mess with me like one day you won't be there and I won't have anyone to save me from him" Ross says shyly.
"That will never happen if I have to stay at home you staying too"
"Thanks Max" Ross said and smiles.
We get to the apartment and I open the door. Ross falls on the couch and groans. I smile at how funny he was.
Ross is like the best thing in the world to me. If Adam where to hurt him Adam would not live.
I sit down next to Ross after he sat up. He then fell asleep on my lap. I slipped my fingers through his hair.
I guess now would be a good time to tell you about the Jin problem.
Ok so Jin liked Ross for a long time Jin confessed to Ross how much he liked him they dated secretly with no one know not even they're fans. But after a few days Jin found another girl and cheated on Ross. When Ross found out just the look on his face wanted to make me cry. I will never be happy with Jin he is my enemy and he always will be. Who ever hurts my Ross will not live to see daylight.
Oooooooo Max is getting tired of Adam shiz guess I can tell this story is not going to go so good but I'm making it for you guys and that's all I want.💕
Will Adam leave Ross alone or will Max have to deal with it himself and also A STORY IN A STORY HOW GREAT IS THAT!!!!
Yea it's not that great I thought so.
We'll see you guys in the next story see ya!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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