Chapter 2: A New Beginning

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It took me longer than I would have liked to find my way from the hillside to the streets. My new friends had long since moved from where I'd last seen them, but they had left presents behind. The odd cow-skulled corpse lay at the side of the road, and I followed the stomach-curling trail like breadcrumbs.

Street after street told the same story. A body or two lay there, but no living person was in sight. A few unfortunate villagers lay on the floor alongside their slayers, staring blankly at the smoke-filled sky. It would have seemed much like a ghost town had it not been for the sudden shouting in the distance.

Those faint battle cries were a far better trail to follow than the dead bodies, so I hurried on towards them. I couldn't locate their owners until the spires of the temple were looming over the thatched roofs around me, indicating that the centre of town was near.

Though only two of the "Shepherds" were fighting, they were doing well against their opponents. Frederick was at one end of the road, thrusting his lance through brigands like it was a cocktail stick, and I saw more than one of them turn and flee. Chrom and Lissa were at the end closest to me. The healer was backed up against the wall, a few strides away from the action with her staff braced defensively in front of her. Chrom was attacking one of the bandits, his eyes continually flicking to another who was drawing near his side.

Even as I raised my hand, Chrom was dislodging his sword from his opponent's heart and turning on his heel. He needed no saving, but I had a target within my range and a simmering instinct screaming in my head that the kill was mine. There was no time for mind-changing.

Chrom lifted his sword; I thrust my hand forwards. Lightning exploded from the palm and barrelled into my opponent, killing him. My mind stumbled across a blank in my small collection of information, and a second wave of magic crashed into the body before I had it under my control.

By that time, both Chrom and Lissa had turned to face me.

"You followed us!" Chrom's sword dipped a millimetre towards his sheath before rising again. "Why?"

"I want to help. I'm armed, and I know how to fight."

"You claimed to have amnesia," Frederick said from behind.

I cursed and spun around. "No man clad in such armour should be able to sneak around like that."

Lissa giggled.

Chrom lowered his sword with an amused expression. "He is a top-quality lieutenant."

Looking into the cold eyes of the stern-faced knight, I wasn't convinced that he would have been my first pick. He could have been plastered on the bow of a ship instead of any monstrous figurehead and it would have still sent a chill down the enemies' spines. An advantage, perhaps, if you were on the right side of his lance, but I was beginning to suspect that I was about to turn into a cocktail like his unfortunate opponents.

"I suppose that finding my sword must have brought some knowledge back to me," I said hastily.

"Her magic skills were a bit rusty," Lissa pointed out. "It doesn't seem like she's practised for a while."

"Spies make excellent actresses," Frederick said, but he lifted his brooding eyes from me and looked at Chrom. "Milord, the remaining brigands have fled to the largest tavern and are awaiting us outside."

"Very good, Frederick. We'll bring this girl with us to attack them."

I bristled. "It's Robin."

Three pairs of suspicious eyes turned towards me again.


Ten minutes and two arguments later, I was crouching at the back of the tavern with Chrom and Lissa. Frederick was approaching the brigands from the front and looking very grumpy about it. He'd been the least keen when I'd suggested my plan, but Chrom had latched onto it and put all his faith in me. I just hoped that my tactical expertise would live up to his expectations.

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