1~ Transfer Student (EDITED)

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"Have you heard?" Nagisa said to his red headed friend, "Another transfer student is coming in! I heard it's a girl, what do you think Karma-Chan?"

Karma sighed as he lifted his arms into a lounging position behind his head looking up into the sky with his eyes closed walking up the mountain. "Don't know, don't care... We don't need another student, I mean we have me!" He replied in a cocky and fed up tone.

Nagisa just looked at his friend with a thin line for a mouth as he pursed his lips at his comment. They walked the rest of the way in silence as they approached the top of the path that led from the main building to an old, run down shack in the mountains surrounded left right and centre by trees.

Hitomi's POV:

I can do this! This is the moment you've been waiting for, now go out there and show em' what you got! 

I pumped myself up in my head, I had been waiting for my dad to agree to going to this school for a really long time. I was to be a new student to E-class in a couple of minutes I was just waiting on korosensei to call me in to introduce myself.

"Now I shall introduce you to our new student," A yellow octopus said as he opened the door to let her in, "Can you please introduce yourself to your new classmates?" He giggled as he showed a face of pride for a brief moment.

"Aye, aye captain!" I said whilst saluting with my back straight giggling slightly as I marched into the centre of the front of the room, "My name is Hitomi Muteki-Gaijin, I just moved her after being home schooled by my dad. I'm pleases to meet you all! Nufufufu~" I smiled my most dazzling innocent smile hoping to appear nice.

"Miss. Muteki-Gaijin, please take the seat next to your classmate, Akabane Karma." My 'new' sensei told me. Soon enough I started to walk to the seat past a blue haired boy, I assumed, who seemed about the same size as me, but I couldn't tell because he was sitting down. My seat was near the back and the floorboards creaked as I came closer and closer to my new seat, slowing down as I got closer I carefully sat down as it looked as if you could sneeze and make the place fall apart.

I started to set out my equipment, my pencil case had pictures of many types of sweets printed onto it and my equipment inside was not much different, I had sweet themed pencils, pens, rubbers you name it I have it! The boy sitting next to me looked at me weirdly, do I have something on my face or what? I looked straight back at him, my eyes sparkling in the light of the sun. He continued to look at me except now he looked like he wanted to say something.

"I'm Karma Akabane, but you can call me Karma... Midget~" He said as he broke the stare off,

"Oh I'm Hitomi Muteki-Gaijin, you can call me Hitomi... Wait what did you call me?" I asked him to make sure he did really call me that...

"I called you midget, midget... You deaf?" He smirked, like he was testing my tolerance, it was certainly annoying me but I tried to stay composed. Playfulness dripping from his words.

"I'm not that small! And anyway what does it matter... Menstruation hair~" I exclaimed, at first high pitched but by the end of my line my voice held the same playfulness. Looking away from the annoying cold eyed boy, I looked up towards korosensei to see him handing out some maths tests. 

This'll be easy... 

I thought to myself as a test booklet slid onto my table a yellow tentacle retreating as I grabbed it to write my name on it.

"Everyone the test starts in, 3...2...1!" He shouted, immediately I started working at an inhumane speed as I worked through all the questions with great ease.

The Sensai's Unkillable Daughter (Assassination Classroom) Karma X OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora