3~ Karma's Plan (Part One)

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Just so you know, I am not going to entirely follow the plot of the original so you may find that some of the events are not in the correct order. Also, Hitomi arrived not to long after karma and about a couple days after professor b!tch did. Three to be exact. If you have anymore questions just ask!


Yesterday, after school I didn't want to look suspicious so I started walking down the hill with karma, let's just say it was annoying...

Flash back in normal POV~~~ btw seeing as it is mostly talking I want do new line new speaker it will just be bold for Hitomi and italic for karma to avoid confusion

As I was walking down the hill with karma we started arguing and this is what it

"Karma?" Hitomi asked whilst looking at into karma's eyes, "do you like sensei?" He looked at her for a second. "He is okay I guess, he is a bit annoying and happy go luck but he really pulls through for everyone." He paused for a second as if it was hard to say then continued, "I respect, and trust him... As a teacher. But what about you?" Hitomi looked away to the side for a second with a thoughtful face wondering what she should say.

"I like him, he is very nice to me and everyone and seems like a great teacher! I also respect and l-" she stopped because she nearly said love, luckily karma didn't seem to notice. "I respect and trust him with every inch of my heart, even though I just met him!" She beamed a massive smile as karma looked down at her. *sigh* "how can you trust someone so much that you just met?" She just shrugged in reply and crinkled her nose a bit. He thought that she looked kind of cute whilst doing that but then quickly shook it off.

Whilst he was profusely shaking his head, Hitomi took this as a chance to scare him so she ran full speed up a tree as quietly as she could and perched on it, she was a little behind karma. "Hey midget, don't tell me you shrunk even more. I can't find yo-" he was interrupted by a wild Hitomi lvl. 'Unknown' pouncing on him. He flinched and screamed like a girl as he tried to get whatever jumped on his back off of him.

All he heard was a giggle as Hitomi climbed from his back and up onto his shoulders, "was that a scream I heard from the almighty karma akabane?" "Psshhh- no it was just a manly Yelp..." He answered back with blush on his cheeks, he moved his head to hide his blush only to have Hitomi move his head to face in front again as she leaned over. Their faces centimetres apart. Karma's and hitomi's cheeks became a deep Crimson realising how close they were, karma threw Hitomi off and she landed on the ground with a loud thump.

"Ugu, that hurt!" (Kanon reference Ayu my angel :3) she exclaimed as she got up and dusted herself off. "W-well you shouldn't have leaned over!" "It's not my fault! You threw me off now I'm going to get a massive bruise on my bum!" Karma didn't say anything and walked off, then he remembered what nagisa said about learning about Hitomi because she looked suspicious.

"What!? You Baka!"
"Where do you live?"
She froze at the question and looked at the ground her bangs hiding her face, "nearby."
"That's not an answer..."
"It is too!" Karma sighed,
"Alright then, do you live with anyone?"
She looked around nervously obviously hesitant to answer, karma noticed this. "What is with these questions?"
Karma laughed at her coldly whilst slightly moving his head back to glare at her. "Answer!"
She was scared, not because him himself scared her but how cruel he could turn in a flash, "w-with my d-dad..."
"What about your mum?" He asked still with a cold tone because he knew she was hiding something,
She didn't reply so he asked again more aggressive... No answer. He got tired of this and just walked up to her whilst she was still down from being thrown, he glared as hard as he could. He hated when people hide things. He shouted at her "I said, WHAT ABOUT YOUR MUM?!" She looked up at him finally and he immediately saw the tears in her eyes waiting to spill out, "I-I-I..." She paused for a while then said in a really quiet voice, tears streaming down her face. "... I don't know..." Then she got up and ran away really fast, leaving karma regretting what he had done, he knew he had to apologise and soon...

The Sensai's Unkillable Daughter (Assassination Classroom) Karma X OCWhere stories live. Discover now