2. Second Day (EDITED)

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The sun leaked through the windows curtains blinding me as I turned to face it, "too bright..." I groggily moaned in a high pitched voice. I sat up rubbing my eyes and yawning as I looked to see if korosensei had gone yet or not. I couldn't find him so I decided to get ready for school. My uniform consisted of: black knee height socks, a white button up girls shirt, a grey button up waist coat like everyone else except my uniforms tie was a different colour, it was the same shade of yellow as korosensei and inside its fold was a picture of me when I was little being given a piggy back by the yellow octopus. As I put on my uniform, *grumble* ughhhh... I'm really hungryyyyy~ my internal monologue screamed at me. With one last glance in the mirror I quickly tied my long waist length hair into a loose side plait, my bangs curving with the shape of my face. Just quickly to clear up her appearance for, she has waist length auburn (meaning red) hair with bangs, she normally wears it plaited or down, for school just look at the normal girls uniform (vest version like nagisas) the only differ depending being a yellow tie. She is taller than nagisa but smaller than karma about 11-10 cms off, her eyes are purple and numerous other shades of blue making it look like a galaxy in her eyes. Everyday wear she normally wears what is in the picture including her hair, that picture is her except she has different eyes, it was found on google credit to original owner. Also she has very pale skin like a china doll.

Hmm, where to go. Where to go... I suddenly had a craving for strawberry filled croissants. That's it I will go to France!
I had already set out the door, the scenery of the mountains forest flew past me in coloured blurry lines as I ran at Mach 20 speed. It only took me a few seconds to get down the mountain and I was now at the bottom and acing on the rooftop of the main building, after I jumped high and landed on the roof of someone's house. The streets were normally quiet early in the morning so I wasn't to worried about being detected if I slowed down, which I had no intention on doing.

Jumping from one roof onto the other I had now made it to the ocean, you see I have a mortal fear of the water and well let's just say I hate not being able to fly like sensei, I can only run and jump quite high. I hesitated for a second as I went backwards to get a run up, if I so much as slowed down the slightest bit on the water I would stop treading on it and fall through. Oh god... I always hate doing this. Here I go! I ran at full speed onto the ocean and was now gliding across it running left to right avoiding on coming waves that I might trip over.

The city of love... It really is beautifu- omg... That looks so nice! Oh and that, oh and also that, that, that and that!~ soon enough I had bought everything sweet related I could find, and headed off towards my school. I didn't want to leave just yet but I had to as, one I couldn't carry anymore and two I spent to long shopping and I would be late if I didn't leave now, I mean it only takes my a couple of minutes to get to Paris and back, but I had spent nearly two hours shopping for food and I bought this adorable hair clip!~ it was yellow and it was in the shape of a crescent moon, when I first saw it I fell in love and giggled as I thought of the earths moon.

Time Skip

Karma's POV

Where is that midget? Registration will start any second and she doesn't want to tick of sensei by being late, although I would love to see the little idiot get told off... I chuckled picturing her with a pouting face, it was kinda cu- THE HELL?! I'm never thinking that again... She's too annoying and besides I ship her and nagisa!



The door to the classroom burst open, causing the walls and floors to vibrate. I think it nearly gave sensei a heart attack because he screamed like a girl and turned blue, when he was eating a churro he arms flared in the air in a wave motion like the one when in them weird anime comedies someone runs away arms flailing everywhere, he nearly dropped his food... I think I nearly died to a bit because I was just relaxing with my feet up and my arms rocking my head when it happened, I nearly fell off my chair! I swear whoever did this is gonna pay!

I was glaring daggers at the doorway waiting for the culprit to walk in, the culprit was a smallish auburn haired girl with space like eyes... Midget, you little, b*tch! Oh, you are so gonna get it, just wait for it...~ smirking I stared at her messy appearance, hair sticking up everywhere her uniform disheveled with creases everywhere. What the hell? She looked like she was hit by a tornado. "I didn't hear anything about I tornado, I swear these weathermen are getting more and more unreliable. Unless midget, you just like looking like you got hit by one.~" I teased her with a patronising smirk and tone, "tsk, tsk, nearly late...". She just glared at me with her beautiful eyes, I could see why her name name was Hitomi ( it is often given to girls with pretty eyes). I mean I think she is annoying and a little happy go lucky rat but I have to give her that, her eyes really are pretty.

She caught me staring at her and I looked away slightly blushing out of embarrassment. "Alright, now everyone is here let's begin after registration I will tell everyone their test scores!" He said making me looking at him, I could tell we all did well as he had green stripes meaning he was proud, or cocky or something like that. The usual aim and fire routine of the morning went on and 10 minutes later we were picking up the BB pellets on the ground, when we were firing I noticed that Hitomi seemed to be purposely missing her shots, never mind it is probably part of a plan. In fact now that I think of it she hasn't made a single attempt, but she has been being friendly with sensei maybe she is trying to trick him...

"Alright well here we go I will do it in order of student numbers." He said, he was about to say the test scores, " okay starting with karma ending in Hitomi, 98, 84, 72, 70, 89, 86, 69, 56, 74, 80, 80, 76, 58, 74, 75, 75, 47, 95, 87, 70, 65, 58, 59, 71, 64, 70, 76, 58 and finally Hitomi being 100!" Ha, back bakatomi lost to me becau- Wait... What... 100?! I blinked a couple times in disbelief but then the octopus handed out the test results and sure enough, she had 100... But how!? Why the hell is she in E-class!? Unless... The government sent her...

Time skip

Nagisa's POV

Hmm, I feel like there more to Hitomi then it seems, I decided a while back that I would take notes of any new students that would arrive. Not because I'm interested in them but because it's my way of kind of getting to know them, but here is my list so far on her:

1. Has a happy go lucky sort of attitude, like sensei
2. Hasn't attempted ANY assassinations on sensei or has purposely missed
3. Very, good at close combat she is either equally matched with karasuma or maybe even better!
4. She seems to be close to sensei, theory is that she is trying to trick him into a false comfort around her
5. Possibly sent by the government, because she got 100 and finished the test in about 5-10 minutes and is in E-Class
6. Has admitted to beating several assassins and she implied that it was life or death
7. Is so good at being stealthy even I don't know where she is, has also scared Karma and sensei numerous times
8. She has a major sweet tooth, don't know if it is relevant though
9. Has a similar personality to sensei
10. She is the new fasted runner in class, can run very very long distances without breaking a sweat and looks like she is holding back

That is all I have on her so far, but I think she can be the key to assassinating korosensei... I think I will speak to Karma about this and see if I can get some information on her.

End Of Chapter 2

I have left hints and that as to what could be happening in future chapters, will she and sensei get found out? Or not?
Remember you can always leave suggestions on what you want to happen and when etc.
I will sometimes do fillers for the fun of it! So look forward to them I think I will do them every 3 chapters and after finishing it I think I might do one maybe every week as a bonus content for a month or two. I think I might also make a one shot book about halfway through this one. I'm not sure how many chapters there will be but I'm certain that it will be more than 10 chapters.
This is going to be one of the shorter chapters.


P.s This chapter has 1663 words.

The Sensai's Unkillable Daughter (Assassination Classroom) Karma X OCحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن