Cold Paws.

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I sat on my bed wide awake. I looked at the tiny clock in the corner of my screen and see it is half past two in the morning. The others are, by now, sound asleep in their rooms. When I turn my attention back to my writing on the screen, I heard small padding of feet and breaths.

My small little guy jumps on the bed and curls up next to me. Hasn't made a sound since he entered. I scratched his head. "Hey buddy, can't sleep either?" He leans into the petting more.

I feel around his muzzle, my small smile disappearing as I still feel some drying drool left after his last episode. I think back to earlier today. My siblings woke me up and soon told me he had his once a week seizure again. Got himself stuck in our parents closest during it. I play ahead through the day, nothing interesting to happen; then I reach to the end of the day.

I go over the sudden yipping and squealing from the living room, my parents telling us to stay back in the house while they calm him down, from his second seizure today. My siblings start to cry, and I just stand in the hallway waiting.

He has never had two in one day. Never. Just once every week and very short. This current one was over three minutes. I didn't realize I was starting to cry when the sudden wetness on my hand came. Looking down, I see his brown eyes looking at me. I smile again and start to let him for a minute.

He tucks his head into himself and goes to sleep, and I continue to write on a part I'm working on. The last thing I do before looking back at the screen is feel the lads of his feet. I grab a blanket and try to cover him in it.

Him and his cold paws.

~ ~ ~ ~

Hello guys! So first off, I am going to apologize for a really long authors note.

So this chapter was written for my dog. Had him for about 7 years now, and he has been with me through the changes in my life. Earlier this month, my parents took him to the vet when he has had his third seizure in the past couple of weeks, and found out that he has epilepsy.

Earlier today, he had his weekly episode and later this evening he had a second seizure. It scared everyone in my family, and my siblings were in tears because of this. He was the first ever dog we have ever gotten, and now with his new illness, the thought of him passing is... terrifying.

I am staying strong however, doing whatever I can to keep an eye on him if he ever goes into a episode.

Now, I will be addressing two more things so stay with me.

First off, since the beginning of this month, I have been writing a new story soon to be published.

It is called, 'Hearts in Books', and I have mainly created it for to write whatever one-shots/drabbles/short stories that I think of and rants and confessions I have yet to say aloud. However, when publishing it, there will be around 10 chapters of stuff because I'd rather have ten parts up then one part up and wait two weeks to update a new one. So if you're interested in it, keep a eye out for it.

Second thing, for those who have read 'I was sent to die, in mid-July', thank you for being so patient with me!

When publishing it I expected to write the first chapter a week or so from putting it up, because I was still in the stage of character development.

But then I dealt with a tone of relative issues that when everything finally calmed down, I got stuck with artist/writers block. I will try to put the next chapter up soon as I can and try to update as much as I can during my summer break.

I will also try to put these two story information on my conversations wall so people who don't read this can see it.

So anyway, thanks for all of the support and love and patience! <3


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