It's somehow a joking matter.

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Somehow, people thinks it's okay to lie to get something.
To achieve a goal of some sort. My family seems to be somewhat of those who do joke about something to obtain this invisible goal.

Like earlier in the day.

My mom had taken me to see a movie with her- and I was such in a great mood after it was soon taken by my siblings obnoxious ways to make everything awful.

They wouldn't stop moving, they wouldn't stop complaining, they wouldn't stop doing anything really- in my opinion.

It wasn't until that I was on my phone to search up an art event coming soon (that I would get off my butt and do something with my life) when my younger sibling and parents got onto me.

My sibling saying that I shouldn't be one my device.

My mom telling me not to hit the younger (even though I was trying to get them to stop being rude to me).

And my other parent mumbling how I shouldn't be own my phone either.

I was fed up and done with their crude attitude to me that I left the room to the dark abyss of what is my bedroom and cried.

I laid their in the dark waiting for something to pounce from the shadows when soon my family started to call for me.

"We're going to watch an anime movie" They had shouted through the halls. I was skeptical about the ordeal, but believed it because I thought I meant something to them to go to such lengths.

Only when I entered the room and saw it wasn't an anime but a lie they had made- I almost left the room again.

The feeling of tears developed too.

It's somehow funny to my family that they would joke about something that I enjoy for entertainment.

Something that captivates me and inspires me to create things for the art media.

A form of a show that I want to sit down and enjoy an anime movie with my blood relatives to share something of importance to me- that they make a joke over it.

That only proves that they don't really care.

That only pushes me and tells me that I need to go up to my parents and ask to be tested for depression; because my brain is tired and wants to rest again.

It's almost funny how everything works.

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