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Do you see how her eyes turn duller?

Every time she goes out to the store?

She could be so up beat and happy;

Then her eyes lose light once walking in.

Do you know why??

It could be that her family drags her around;

Through the makeup isles and shoes isles.

It could be her mom fretting over the clothes area;

Always to worried that it's too small or the material is not right.

It could be many things.

But, do you know her secret online looking??

She'll go online to a website, and search up different things.

From t-shirts to bags to mugs to notebooks.

She'd look at it.

And when she does;

There are light in her eyes.

Because the things she looks seems to interest her.

The things that she likes the best.

But, when she's done looking;

She closes it out like it never existed.

And her eyes, turn duller,

Yet again.

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