Hello, my name is Andrew.

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      Hi, my name is Andrew Stinson. I'm in 8th grade. I'm pretty much your average guy. I like sports, roughhousing and all that stereotypical guy crap. Y'know, there's this girl I like. She sits next to me in math class. Her name is Kallie Raymond. Oh, she's perfect! Her beautiful blue eyes are like the deep blue sea. Her wavy, red hair flows down her shoulders like a red waterfall. 

      "C'mon, snap out of it!" my best friend, Cason calls. "Are you staring at that chick?" "No!" I answer quickly. "Come on... Everyone knows you like her," Cason teases. "I do NOT like her!" I yell. Mrs. Gordon looks up from her computer and stares at me. The room goes silent. She walks over, her eyes shooting daggers. "Ms. Stinson, are you aware that you are disrupting the class?" she says angrily. Oh. Crap. I freeze in my seat. "Go see Principal Redson." She hands me a yellow slip of paper. "Y-Yes, m-ma'am," I manage to mutter. 

      Okay, I lied about my name. It's just... I don't know. I'm not a boy. I'll never be a boy. I know that. My actual name is Allie Grace Stinson. I wish that I could say, "Hello, my name is Andrew! Nice to meet you!" But I can't. My hair is short. I have it in a boyish style. But it doesn't do much. My face is too feminine. Also, I (obviously) have boobs. Whenever I look in the mirror, my dysphoria follows me. I wish my boobs would just go away. Nobody knows I have these feelings. Not even my parents. 


Hey, if you enjoyed this, stay tuned! What happens when Andrew starts trying to bind? To find out, come back tomorrow!

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