Who Knew Binding Would Hurt So Bad?

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      "Okay, find a spot to dance," Ms. Hawke said. Kallie and I walked onto the gym floor. "Okay, class, listen up! Today, we are going to be doing the Waltz! I brought in Mr. Carr to help me demonstrate." A tall man with short black hair walks into the room. Mrs. Hawke and Mr. Carr dance. Mrs. Hawke slips up a bit, but Mr. Carr is killing it! "1-2-3-1-2-3-1-2..." is what I hear as they dance and dance. I just imagine myself at the 8th grade formal in a black tuxedo. I grab Kallie. "May I have this dance?" I ask her. "I would love to dance with you, Andrew!" she says with delight. We walk into the middle of the dance floor. We nail every move. We look like a pair of swans. Kallie looks into my eyes. We both lean forward. Our lips get closer, and closer and closer until...

      "Hello! Earth to Ali!" I see Kallie, waving her hand in my face. "Oh what was that?" I ask sheepishly. "It's time to dance!" she says, rolling her eyes and smiling at me. Mrs. Hawke turns on some romantic music. We dance. Unlike in my daydream, I keep fumbling. "Sorry!" "Oops!" "My bad!" That's basically all the conversation we had throughout the whole gym class. The duct tape is really starting to hurt me. Thank gosh gym class is over. I get into the shower. I try to pull the duct tape off. It really hurts. I guess I'll just have to pull it off when I get home. At least I don't have to be reminded of the fact that I have boobs. I shower and then head to math. When I walk into Mrs. Gordon's room, everyone stares and whispers. Kallie whispers to me, "Don't worry about them. They're just morons." I smile at her. 

      "Pi, 3.14, yada yada yada." That's all I hear. I'm too busy watching Kallie take notes. She's so cute when she does that. Actually, she's so cute whenever she does anything. "Mrs. Stinson, are you taking notes?" Mrs. Gordon snaps. I quickly get my notebook out. "Yes, Mrs. Gordon," I say. Anyways, I have Reading, then Spanish, then lunch. Kallie sat down next to me. Normally, I sit with Cason. But Cason is sick. I'm glad she sat at my table. "Hey, something seems to be bothering you," she says sympathetically. "Oh, it's nothing," I said. "Nonsense. You're just tapping your peas with your fork." "Maybe I'm just not hungry." Or maybe someone needs a nappy wappy," Kallie teases. 

       Miss Ming is the best teacher ever. "Ali, honey, something seems to be bothering you," she says. "Oh, it's nothing," I lie. "I know something's up. You can go relax in the library," she cooed. "Thank you," I say as I yawn. The librarian lets me read a book. I read "The Hunger Games." I rest my head down and take a nap. The librarian woke me up. "It's 3:30," she tells me. I walk out and wait for my bus to be called. I hop on the bus. As usual, I sit alone.

       "How was your day?" my mom asked. "Good," I mutter. Before she can ask more, I run to the bathroom and lock the door. It feels like my skin is on fire as I pull the duct tape off. It burns. My chest is all red. I go into my room and check my phone. I have a new comment on Insta. It was left by Nina Soto. It read, "Are you trying to be a boy? You're just a lesbian. You disgust me." Another one read, "Honey, you're not a guy! Accept it!" I turn my phone off and go to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2016 ⏰

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