Chapter 3

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I threw the red solo cup on the floor. Hard. Shaking my head in frustration. My hands ran through my hair, gripping my hair.

"Fuck!" I screamed turning around and punching the wall with the sides of my fist.

I don't know if I was more hurt that she didn't want me, or if I was more angry at her for leading me on like that. All I felt now was pain and anger. My head was now up against the wall when I felt a delicate tap on my shoulder. I turned my head to see who it was.

"Are you okay?" a soft, sweet voice asked me. It was the girl I had been staring at earlier, when my daze was interrupted by that blonde chick. "Are you drunk?"

I smiled lightly. "No."

"Okay, well are you okay?" She asked again.

I turned my body fully to her. "Yeah." I nodded.

"You look hurt." She stated.

I gave her a sad smile. "Yeah."

"Sorry." She said smiling sweetly. I nodded slightly and turned to walk way. "Wait, wh- whats your name?" She asked. I could feel her eyes beam into the back of my head.

"Aiden." I said still turned away from her. "I have to go." I pulled the keys out of my pocket and started walking to the door. My ears opened up when I stepped outside. It was so loud in the house from the music, that my ears were ringing.

"Wait!" I heard a soft voice scream behind me. It was her again.

"What?!" I screamed annoyingly. She stopped in her tracks. "Why are you following me?" I asked. "I - y- You just seem really hurt." She said looking down at the ground.

"I'm not." I stated. I really wasn't as hurt as she thought I was.

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