Chapter -

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When I reached the car, I took my phone out and texted Patrick.

*Text me when you want to leave. I got the car keys and I'm leaving now.*


Late that night when I was asleep, I felt my phone vibrate on my stomach. I cracked my eyes open to look at my phone.

*Cops are here! Hurry up before we all get arrested!*

I jumped up off my couch. The room was spinning because I got up so fast. I fell back down on the couch, rubbing my face. My head turned to the clock on my wall. It was 4:45 a.m. Damn, the party was still going on full speed?

After feeling so dizzy I almost passed out, I ran out the front door as fast as I could. My eyes were feeling really heavy trying to drive there. I had just fallen into a good sleep when I felt my phone go off.

I parked on the other side of the road a few yards down. The lights from police cars were flashing all around the house.

*i'm here. Few yards down to the left.* I texted patrick.

It was a few minutes before I saw him and Cassie come running up to the car. He flung open the back seat and helped Cassie in. Luckily, they were both sober. Patrick slammed the back door fast, and in the same second opened the the front door.

"Drive." He demanded putting his seat belt on. I put the car in drive. "What the hell happened? How did the cops get there?" I kept my eyes on the road. "His parents showed up, and made him call them himself." He explained.

"Is he gonna get arrested?"


I shook my head in sorrow. I'm so glad I didn't stick around for the whole party. We got a little ways up the street when I recognized a pink, tight knee dress. I slowed down when we passed her. She was walking rather quickly when she saw us slow down. Probably scared for her life. I pulled over on the side of the road she was on.

I flung my door open and slammed it. She started breathing heavily when she saw me coming her way. Probably thinking she was going to get raped.

"Calm down." I approached her. "Its Aiden."

She took a deep breath out holding her chest. "Hi." I said in my sweet voice.

"What are you doing here? I thought you left." She said coldly rapping her arms around her chest.

"I did. I had to come get my friends. Where are you headed?" I asked calmly.

"I don't know." She said turning her body making her back face me. Her hand was on her head now.

"Do you um-"

"Aiden! Hurry up! The police are behind you!" Patrick's voice screamed at me. I turned my head looking the direction her was pointing. Sure enough, the cops were getting closer and closer to us. "C'mon." I grabbed the girls hand. I still didn't even know her name.

I opened the opposite back seat door form where Cassie went in. She shut it gently herself. I did the same with the driver side door. I put the car in drive and took off. Not speeding though. There was a cop behind us, you know.

The cop car pulled closer and closer to us. My heart felt like it was in my throat. Even though I wasn't the one with beer and weed in my system. I would still get in trouble for not turning them in. The car ride was silent. You could here all of our breaths breathing heavily in, and out.

We reached my drive way finally. The cop car kept going on the road when we pulled in. We all let out a deep breath at the same time.

"Thank god for you." Cassie touched my shoulder. All 4 of us got out of the car.

"I guess you can all spend the night here." I shoved my hands in my jean pockets. "There's 2 guest rooms. Unless Cassie wants to sleep by herself."

Patrick grabbed her waist and snuggled his nose into her cheek. "No, she's sleeping with me." Cassie giggled. Patrick picked her up bridal style and headed into the front door. I turned to face the girl I had picked up. She stared at me coldly.

"I'm going to go home." She stated turning away.

"How far away is home?" I asked.

"3 miles away." She started walking away. You could hear her heels clacking against the cement. I felt a rain droplet fall on my head. I flipped my hood on. "Suit yourself." I walked towards the front door. She must have felt a rain droplet on her also. "Wait!"She screamed. I heard her heels running quickly to me. "Just for the night." She nodded.

"Just for the nigh." I repeated. I grabbed her little hand in mine and lead her through the house and upstairs. I brought her into my room.

"Do you need any clothes?" I asked her.

"No." She answered coldly.

"So you're going to sleep in that?" I asked looking at her body up and down.

She bit her lip in defeat. I nodded knowing I had won and through her some sweat pants and a t-shirt. I grabbed a pair out for myself as well.

"Um." She said shyly. "Where's the bathroom?" I nodded my head towards the door in my room. She walked over to it and locked the door. I started changing while she was. I took off my boxer briefs and was going t change in regular boxers.

"Hey I don't need-" She came out of the bath room. She realized what she was looking at and covered her eyes. "Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" She repeated over and over again.

"What?" I stood there with my arms open. "Don't like what you see?" I smirked. She opened the bathroom door and hopped in there again. I changed into my underwear and pants. I wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Okay." I took my socks off. "I'm done."

She opened the bathroom door slowly. She peeked her head around the corner making sure I still wasn't naked. "Sorry." She said giving a side smile.

"No its fine." I smirked. "I have nothing to be ashamed of."

She rolled her eyes in disgust. "Where am I sleeping?" She came out of the bathroom all the way. I had given her one of my favorite t-shirts to wear to bed. She looked so adorable in my clothes. I wish I actually knew her name.

"With me." I smirked.


"Seriously, you're sleeping with me." I repeated.

"You said there were other rooms. Plus, you don't even know my name."

"Wha- Ye- yes I do." I stuttered.

"What is it then?" She crossed her arms.

My head turned to the floor in defeat. "Mmm hmm." She giggled.

"Sorry. "

"Its Ravyn." She crossed her arms.

"Well Ravyn, make yourself at home in my bed." I said laying down myself, and patting the area beside me.

She rolled her eyes still standing. "I won't."

"Fine." I turned off the lamp. "Sleep standing up."

It was silent for a few seconds. I heard her little feet plat against my floor. I felt her little body touch mine. She was warm. A smile crept to my face when she accidentally hit my butt.

"What was that?" She said quickly.

"My butt." I chuckled.

She laughed silently. "Sorry."

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