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Looking around the stand the girl almost broke into a happy dance.

"This is ichiraku ramen from the series. I wonder what the ichiraku guy looks like can't remember his name I'll find out eventually". Shrugging to herself slowly her eyes feel over to the blonde man as she hit him upside the head breaking the look of pity he was shooting her way.

"Nagi-chan why do you keep hiting me"? The man wined at her.

Rolling her pretty storm gray eyes she trained her eyes forward waiting for lunch break to end not answering his question. Blinking a few times when her head was forced to the side to look at the man she couldn't help the way her eye twitched when those big blues looked like a hurt puppies.

"Do you truly hate me that much that you enjoy hurting me Nagi-chan". Once again hiting him upside the head in annoyance the girl spoke up with a angry growl.

"I like you plenty asshole it's just sometimes that hair of yours effects your brain so I gotta hit you upside the head to get it working right again". Blinking a few times Minato grinned at the girl.

"So how much do you like me Nagi-chan". Minato sing singed the girls name making her frown at the blonde.

"I like you this much". She said as she held her thumb and pointer fingers a centimeter apart. Frowning at the girl he was about to speak when teuchi showed up.

"Hey Teuchi, Ayame". Looking at his new best costumer and the female beside him he blinked s few times.

"Ahh Minato I hope you weren't waiting to long". The man said as he took of his coat and set ayame up on her booster seat. Studying the little girl for a moment minato felt nervus as he watched her study the girl he didn't know how she acted with little kids. Once studied the girl spoke to the smaller one with a loving smile.

"Ayame is such a pretty name how old are you". Blinking at the older lady the girl spoke with a grin holding up 2 fingers.

"I'm dis many 'ears ol'. The little girl spoke with a grin looking surprised Nagi spoke with shock.

"But you're so big ayame-hime how are you only that old". Giggling happily at her nickname the little girl puffed out her chest in pride.

"I'm be dis many in 2 'ays". Giggling at the girl Nagi just couldn't help it children brought out a softness in her that she didn't even realize she had. Continuing to talk to the girl happily Nagi hadn't even notice that teuchi and Minato where conversing while teuchi made their ramen.

"That ones a keeper Minato". He said as he nodded towards the grinning girl.
Smiling at the man Minato spoke up.

"She doesn't feel the same teuchi".

"Have you asked her" Thinking about it for a minute Minato frowned.

"I have never made my motives towards her known then again she's never really seemed to hold more feelings to me then friendship". Shaking his head the boy sighed.

"No I haven't but.....". Teuchi spoke up before he could finish.

"But nothing you'll never know unless you ask". He sighed once again Minato turned to the girl and told her the ramen was ready and he broke his chopsticks and ate he watched the girl expression.

Grinning widely at the meal she had just ate she spoke to Teuchi.

"Between your food and adorable daughter you just earned yourself a regular customer". Smiling at the girl he spoke up.

"I'm glad you feel this way". He said as he winked at Minato when they began to walk back to the training grounds. Once there the Nagi plopped down in her usual seat and watched for the next hour as the blond tried and fell. Frowning when she notice his mind was somewhere else. Speaking up she made her opinion known.

"If you keep up like this you ain't gonna get no where now come here sit down and tell the great Nagi what's on your mind". She said as she gestured to the grass in front of her. Sighing Minato sat down in front of the girl.

"Its just a conversation that Teuchi and I had has been bothering me". He mumbled. Blinking she spoke up.

"What kinda conversation".

"Nagi-chan can I ask you something"?

"Shoot". She said as she 'shot' Minato with her finger.

"What are your intentions towards me"? Blinking a few time Nagi broke out in to laughter as she laughed Minato's eye twitched as they darkened to a glare.

"This isn't funny Nagi I'm serious". Slowly calming down at the dark look aimed at her the girl continued to giggle as she spoke.

"I'm sorry Minato (giggles) its just the way you said it (snickers) sounded like you where trying to find out what a boys intentions towards you daughter where". She said calming down towards the end. Minato's dark look slowly softened as he nodded understanding why the girl had laughed at him now.

"You'd make a good father one day". She spoke with a goofy grin as she imagined blonde haired blue eyes babies running around everywhere yelling

"believe it"! Laughing once again she shook that thought away and spoke to the now pouting blonde.

"My intention towards you are quite blunt really if you haven't noticed them by now you're not as smart as you think you are Minato". Blinking a few times Minato frowned at the girl as he tried to figure out how she felt he knew how he felt her feeling on the other hand where not something that he knew.

"How am I suppose to know how you feel"? He asked with a frown. Leaning forwards she licked his cheek got up and walked away. Frowning deeper he whined at the girl.

"Nagi-chan how does that answer my question".

"Go ask Orochimaru what it means when an alfa female licks an Alfa male in the wild". Nagi spoke with a shrug.

"Once you find out come finds me". Blinking Minato sighed and used his jutsu to flash himself to Orochimaru.

Blondy's a bit dense isn't he lol

Im Just Kinda Winging It (Oc X Minato)Where stories live. Discover now