My hair

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Waiting paicently for the children to introduce themselves Nagi watched as Minato pointed to obitobi with a grin.
"You first".
Blinking a few times Obitobi grinned at his new sensei.
obito yelled his answer with a grin making rin smile at him softly. Nodding at the boy Minato moved his eyes towards rin and waited.
"My name is Nohara Rin, I like my friend Obito, kakashi and you sensei, I don't like it when my friends are hurt, my hobbies are training and trying to find knew ways to advance my studies,my dream is to be the greatest medical Konichi I can be".
Looking at the girl in interest Nagi spoke up.
Looking surprised rin studied her sensei slightly surprised.
Rin asked.
"I called dibs on you so I'm going to train you".
The girl spoke to the younger one in amusement before she could speak however Minato spoke.
"Let's not get to hasty Nagi-chan".
Snorting at the boy she listened to Kakashis intro smirking to herself.
"God that kid listens so well".
"My name is Hatake Kakashi, I don't like anything and hate everything, haven't really thought about hobbies before, my dream is to be the best lazy Slaker ever".
Kakashi stated giving everyone around them a blank stare. Looking surprised Minato was unable to say anything because Nagi started laughing.
"Did Nagi-chan tell you to say that Kakashi".
Nodding kakashi looked away from his sensei.
"Why did you agree kakashi".
"She said she would dye my hair pink if I didn't".
Kakashi spoke with a frown on his face knowing full well if she wonted to she could. Narrowing his eyes they turn to his girlfriend.
"Nagi-chan we will descuse this at home".
Notting the dark tint to his voice she pouted at him.
"But Minato".
"No buts Nagi-chan".
Turning back to the children he pulled out the bells and explained the test to them. Becoming serious he spoke voice booming through the field.
Watching at they scattered Minato turned to the female.
Nodding she deactivated her seals with a sadistic type of glee.
"Ow its been so long".
She thought stretching slightly as she popped her neck.
"I'm on it Minato".
Just like that the girl was gone appearing beside Rin and obito she watched as Rin tried to convince the boy to work together but he ran off.
"You know that's unfortunate".
Yelping in surprise Rin turned to the older konnichi.
"Let's begin our first lesson shall we".
"What would that be Nagi-sensei".
And just like that the girl yelped as she tried her hardest to dodge the woman in front of her. Holding back against the girl obviously Nagi watching in amusement as the girl scurried around trying to dodge for her life. After chasing her around for awhile she got bored and left the girl going to check in on Minato. Walking into the clearing where Minato looked completely relaxed she walked over to him.
"Ahh Nagi-chan how did it go"?
"Her dodgeing ability's pretty good for a genin".
"Good to hear".
"How did it go for you".
"Well Obito's a bit brash and tends to just run into battle a lot like someone I know actually".
He said giving her an accusing look.
"Ow shush I could get myself out of the traps I get into you just get me out before I can get myself out".
Dead plaining at her he continued.
"Kakashi's smart and waits for an opening though he has an aragance to him and believes his teammates are going to hold him back".
Snorting at him Rin sighed.
"So in other words we have a very disfunctional team, I can work with this".
Smiling at the girl Minato piped up as he dodged an attack from Obito.
"Dealing with you on a daily basis I'm ready for anything".
Narrowing her eyes at the man as she dodged away from kakashi kicking her feet out at the boy sending him about 20 yards back.
"What's that suppose to mean"?
She asked as she twirled around Run and Obito.
"It means that your difficult to live with sometimes Nagi-chan".
Minato piped up as he dodged Kalashi and obito attacking him at once grabbing both of them and slinging them towards Rin toppling over the poor girl.
"Oi you're the one that wanted me to move in".
Nagi spoke up poking him in the chest staring up at him with narrowed eyes.
"A disition I don't regret I'm happy you agreed Nagi-chan and I wouldn't trade you for the world, I'm simply stating you're not the easiest person to live with".
The blonde man spoke with a grin towards the silver haired woman.
"Ehh your not the easiest either Blondy I still love you though".
Letting his eye twitch at his nick name Minato said nothing more to the girl as they both dodged out the way of the genin.
"Damnit pay attention to use"!
Obito spoke with a snare as he and kakashi attacked the two adults. Speaking up in amusement nagi chuckled.
"I'm sorry goggles I completely forgot you guys where here".
Scolding at the woman Minato spoke.
"Nagi-chan its not nice to call people names".
Rolling her eyes nagi was seconds from saying something when Obito piped up.
"Yea cause with that hair of yours and weird eyes you look like a granny".
Silence filled threw the clearing before a high pitch alarm sounded threw the clearing.
"Damnit we didn't make it".
"You all pass".
Minato spoke suddenly as he appeared in front of Nagi unknowingly to the genin holding the girl back from killing the boy.
"Really sensei"?
"Really let's meet back here two days from now you guys deserve a break".
Minato spoke before he flashed away.
"I think you hurt Nagi senseis feelings Obito-kun".
Rin scolded at the boy as she walked away.
"Rin wait"!
"Apologize to sensei or I want talk to you anymore Obito-kun".
Run scolded once again as she walked away from the boy.

"Nagi-Chan please come out of the bathroom, He didn't mean it".
Hearing nothing from the other side of the door he sighed.
"Nagi-chan your hair and eyes or beautiful now please come out".
Silence once again.
"If you don't come out Nagi-chan I'll break the door down".
Seconds later there was a click of the door minato eyes widen in shock before they softened.
"You cut your hair back to your knee's".
He said as she handed him the hair she had cut.
"Yea I remembered it needed to be cut".
"Do you hate it"?
Shaking him head the man smiled.
"No I don't hate it you always look beautiful to me Nagi-chan".
Rolling her eyes at him she smiled and pecked his cheek before letting her eyes wonder to the hair in the man hold.
"What are you going to do with it"?
"I'm going to put it in a jar in the back of my closet".
Blinking at him when he did just that she peecked into his closet and her eye twitched when she saw a boaurd labeled Nagi's hair threw the ages.
"How did you get my baby hairs"?
"Your mother".
"Remind me to kill my mother".

Another chappy yay!!

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