I see

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Staring across from her she just stared at the wedding planner who was currently smiling at her with a I'm so fucking going to snap and slaughter everyone at my work place after this smile on her face.
"So do you have a family kimono natume-san"?
"Yes, mother would like for me to use it".
"What are the colors in it"?
"Gray and red".
Nodding the woman put something in the weird book she had before piping up again.
"Where would you like to get married"?
"I don't care".
Came her blunt reply as the woman sweated slightly before speaking with a hmm.
"Do you know who alls coming"?
"What are the colors you want"?
"Don't know don't care".
Letting out a sigh she seemed to be having difficulty Keeping her calm.
"Do you know who you're marrying or is this a prank of some kind where is your fiance"?
"Meeting with the old man"?
Before she could speak however minato flashed in the store with a nervous smile scratching his head as the woman looked absolutely surprised and horrified.
"I'm sorry I'm late Nagi-chan".
"You gonna be late to our wedding to"?
Gasping in surprise he spoke in trained hurt as he stared at the girl them both ignoring the wedding planner that looked to wish to disappear.
"I'm surprised by you Nagi-chan I would never".
Rolling her eyes she let them fall to the wedding planner who looked very pail as she spoke.
"Minato you decide this is to much work".
Frowning at the girl he spoke.
"Nagi-chan its our wedding shouldn't you choose everything you've ever wished for"?
Frowning at the man she smiled slightly.
"I've never really thought about it in my opinion no matter how the day goes and even if we arent married I'd be happy to know your happy asshole".
Grinning at the girl he spoke happily.
"Does that mean I get to plan the wedding"?
"Sure go for it".
Watching in surprise as the man squealed like a little girl he disappeared in a flash before reappearing with a big book in his hand before handing it to the wedding planner. Blinking In surprise she let her eyes widen as she went over the details in the book.
"You've already planned your wedding"?
"I've been planning Nagi-chan and I wedding since I was 12".
Staring blankly at the woman across from her once again as the wedding planner mumbled about the amazing detail. Closing the book with a happy snap the woman spoke.
"So late July"?
Nodding Minato spoke as he stood and shook the woman's hand.
"Make it happen or I'll find someone who can".
Nodding curtly she shook Nagi's hand before leaving.
"Sooo you've been playing our wedding that long"?
"Yes I have Nagi-chan".
"How did you know I'd say yes"?
"Because you're unpredictably predictable Nagi-chan ".
"Papa told you I loved you didn't he"?
"Hahahaha that obvious"?
Rolling her eyes at the man she walked away as she yawned slightly the blonde following behind her with a pep in his step.
"You know you're like a girl right"?
Blinking is surprise minato spoke.
"You're like an abusive passive man".
He shot back at her simply.
"If you didn't like the abuse you wouldn't love me now would you"?
Rolling his eyes at the girl he spoke.
"I deal with your abuse because I love you".
Continuing on their way they looked around at the beautiful village minato had grown up in.
"What was your childhood like"?
Looking down at the girl Minato seemed to humm to himself.
"I was raised so I could one day take care of myself".
"Nami-san is like my mother or grandmother in a way she raised me from a child until I became a genin, after that I moved into my house and we lost touch".
"What about your parents"?
Looking up to the sky as it began raining he wrapped his arm around the girl before flashing them to their apartment.
"Well my mother and father where active shinobi who died when I turned 4".
"Other then that I don't know much about them".
He continued as he placed them on the couch. Staring up at him silently nagi spoke.
"This life was by far better then my old life and I'm proud to call you my fiance Minato-kun".
Smiling at the girl he spoke.
"I'm happy you're happy Nagi-chan".
Before she could reply however there was a pounding on their apartment door. Getting up and moving towards the door. Opening the door she looked at rin who stood there soking wet and silently looking at the ground.
"Minato go to our room".
Blinking the man frowned at his fiance.
"What's going on Nagi-chan"?
"I'll explain I'm a little bit please go to our room Minato".
Nodding the blonde stood and left the room. Moving to the side the girl a loud the younger one to enter. Grabbing a towel from a basket by the couch Nagi sat down in front of the girl before speaking as she healed her.
"Are you going to tell me who's doing this to you rin-chan"?
Stating down at the woman who was healing her rin said nothing just watching with dule eyes as she was healed.
"How long has this been happening"?
Silent still the woman sighed as she finished her healing before rin spoke.
"Since I've been 7".
Looking almost mortified nagi spoke while digging her hands into her palms.
"I see".

Uh ow drama , a drop of drama here and there and here (waves magic wand around like a boss) maybe a but over here. Ow ni my wand exspladed and now drama is everywhere.

Im Just Kinda Winging It (Oc X Minato)Where stories live. Discover now