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Watching as the third paced the office Minato and Nagi were silent. They had just informed the Hokage of rins predicament.
"To think something like this was happening right under my nose, despicable"!!
The third exclaimed with force as he continued his angry pace.
"I will begin an investigation into this immediately, this will not go unpunished".
The third spoke as he sat in his chair and began the process of writing up a formal notice. Standing Nagi smiled at the Hokage as she spoke.
"I'm glad, thank you for the help old man".
Nodding the third dismissed them with a wave of his hand before going back to his work. Rolling her eyes Nagi left the room with a silent Minato following closely behind her. Once out the office they were soon on the street passing stands and apartments on their way to the training grounds. Minato still silent not even making a noise as he walked.
"Is something wrong Minato"?
Nagi asked slightly worried for the absent minded man. He always made noise when walking thru the village to make sure he didn't frighten to many people with his sudden appearances.
"No nothing's wrong Nagi-chan".
He mumbled as he ran face first into a wall. Slightly dazed he asked as he saw little Nagi's with fox ears and a cute tail wagging.
"When did you get foxy"?
Rolling her eyes at the man she sighed as she helped the man to his feet.
"Minato you're obviously distracted what's wrong"?
Grabbing the girl he awesome no jutsu them to the training ground before plopping on the ground his hand resting on him palm. She was about to yell at him but stopped when she saw his weary expression.
"Can I ask you something Nagi-chan"?
Plopping down in front of him she rolled her eyes at him.
"Of course you can".
"Why do bad things happen to good people"?
Snickering slightly at him she tried to stop herself but that innocent look on his face to contrast with the fact that he was serious only made it funnier. Narrowing his eyes at her he spoke.
"I'm serious Nagi-chan"!
"I know you are Minato but to be honest I don't have an answer to that question".
She spoke as she pulled her leg to her body a sad smile on her face.
"As long as human exist there will always be some form of evil".
Also sighing the man glanced at the sad smile that was present on her lips.
"What's wrong Nagi-chan"?
"I was thinking about what you said".
Frowning deeply the girl pulled her phone from her pocket failing a number before it rang and Trina come onto the other side. Minato watched her curiously.
"Why is she contacting the goddess"?
"Yo it's Trina your friends everyday spiderwoman how may I help you"?
"Hey Trina can I ask you something"?
"Sure shoot Mir"?
"Why did you send me here but didn't send Amy"?
"Ehhh who said I didn't"?
Pulling the phone way from her ear she stared at it for a moment before putting it back and speaking in almost a whisper.
"Who is she"?
Snorting the goddess spoke.
"She's in a different timeline then you are".
"You and I both know she would have killed me if she hadn't gotten the chance to stalk neji".
"Will I be the one that..."?
She trailed off only for Trina to snort.
"Well noooo you couldn't possibly be her future mother I would never do something so nice for you ever".
She said a sarcastic edge to her voice. Crinkling her nose the girl spoke.
"Does that mean twins"?
"Well Yea what other way am I suppose to do it"?
Shaking her head she let her eyes land over to Minato.
"I'll tell him at some point bye Trina".
"Bye Mir".
Hanging up the phone Nagi grinned at Minato before speaking.
"Well not all bad things happen to good people".
Holding out her hand she helped the confused blond to his feet.
"Come on blondy let go home".
Nodding they walked down the street hand and hand.

4 months later

Looking fondly around her at her wedding decor the girl spoke as she glanced at Minato.
"Will you be ok without me for a day"?
Laughing Minato spoke simply.
"Of course I will be".
Narrowing her eyes she spoke.
"Your not aloud to watch me either you have to stay here".
Rolling his eyes he spoke.
"I can say the same for you Nagi-chan".
Frained surprise appeared over the girls face.
"I would never".
She spoke as she lightly put a hand over her heart in a hurt fashion. Rolling his eyes at the girls antics he gave her one last peck on the lips as she was whisked away by kushina her maid of honor.

Yes yes I know I know I'm trying tho

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